Chapter Three

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I finally decided it was best to talk to him, he must know that this is what I decide. Not my father forcing me. I mean, he is doing it for the same reason...Right? My father did mention him looking into my battle records, now that I think of it. I believe I fought a battle with him, at one point. But the moon goddess wouldn't be a high power like Thor. He would be leading or head of the battle. I told my father to tell him to meet me at the balcony, where we were last night. It only seems fitting we discuss the matter at the one place I asked, not to mention its private from any guards to listen in.

I was on my way to the balcony, until I heard gentle running behind me.

"Why Loki, trying to sneak up on a princess. You know that never works."

I said with a smile, he let out a soft chuckle and continue to walk toward me.

" I have heard of your decision, and quite frankly I think both of our fathers are out of their minds. To put that decision on your shoulders, seeing as though you just returned."

"Least someone understands, I get what my father's intentions are and-"

"And as do I, however you don't want to disappoint Thor, or your father, or your people for that matter. But deep inside, you have feelings for Thor, you knew who he was the first night you met him. Don't regret your decision."

"Well, thank you. Loki again, I appreciate all you have done for me. You're like the little brother I never had."

"And you're the blind sister that regrets her decisions the second she makes them."

"Well aren't you a mind reader."

"As are you."

There was a small period of a friendly death stare, until he decided it was enough.

"Don't you have your own private meeting with my brother?"

"Ahh, yes. Loki, nice meeting you. And hope to talk to you soon."


He had bowed his head in respect, and I turned to curtsy at him. He chuckled yet again, and walked away the same way he came. While I, on the other hand. Practically ran to the balcony.


Lucky I found myself the first one to arrive at the balcony. I wanted myself to look presentable do I called in my element, water. And froze it to make a mirror, yes I abuse my power. However I have good intentions on doing so. Okay maybe I do have small feelings for Thor, but the whole thing with marriage and being a wife scares me. Not to mention being a...mother. I was so deep in thought, that I hadn't noticed two strong arms wrap around my waist, and a small kiss on the cheek.

"Why god of thunder, I wasn't expecting you here."


He moaned, cupping my cheek to face him. He finally made the move of kissing me on the lips, hell if I hadn't stopped him last night we would have courted already.

"Why Thor even if I'm your wife to be, let's take a slow start."

"Why Phoebe, that's a splendid idea. Care for a dinner out in the gardens?"

"Well I would be delighted."


After he had asked me for a romantic dinner out in the gardens, we talked about my training. Until I made him pause for me to ask him a question, truth be told. He was a leader in one of the battles I fought. He remembers a glimpse of seeing me, and he regrets not saying anything sooner. When it was time to get ready for the romantic dinner I ran to my room and summed my maid.

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