Chapter Nine

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I could feel the power radiating off of Loki, even though he only stood a few feet away, The silence that surrounded us was what made me over look on what happened tonight. My eyes had been glued to the ground ever since he stabbed me and I didn't dare look up at him. A loud and powerful yell was made causing me to gulp and tighten the hold of my wound. I took in a shaky breath before shifting my gaze upwards. My eyes widened in surprise as I took in the man in front of me, this man I had once knew, now everything I ever thought about him was completely thrown out the window. As he stood before me not looking even remotely sorry for what he had done. Oh Thor why did you have to leave. A tear tried to escape my eye, but I pulled back. This isn't a situation to cry, pull yourself together. Okay think, I could try running towards the farm house and hopes he won't see where I'm going. With the pain coursing through my body, it is difficult to make a decision. But something has to be done. I already blocked Loki out of my brain for good, even though he concisely tries to force himself in. Now, what was the spell for protection...How did it go? Oh of course, but I have to chant it for it to actually work. It's the only one that is coming to mind, oh I have to run and say the words.

Okay conjuring mystical wolves might be the only thing that keeps me alive. It is my spirt animal after all,

*White wolves I call upon you*

All at once, wolves, a pack of them. Surrounded the frost giants and Loki, while I began to run in the direction I believe the farm is. I don't know if the little girl's family will help. But I can be persuasive in helping out them as well. I had to lift up my dress to actually run faster.


I hear Loki scream as he deafened the wolves attacking him. Okay enough, time for the spell:

** I call the light of golden rays I seek protection thus, I pray. For heavenly forces at my side angels, sages, spirit guides or wolves who walk with cunning skill come to my aid! Come at my will! Black bird soaring light my path so I am victim to no one's wrath! And when my journey knows success, all those who aid me Goddess bless. **

I continued to chant until I finally came upon the house, it was near the village. But it doesn't matter, Loki won't know where I am. And once Thor returns to Asgard, everything will fall right back into place.

"Dear villager, I need your help."

It was the little girl's mother who answered the door at my third knock. Her eyes widened with joy as she recognized my face, however her face instantly dropped as soon as she saw my wound. She brought me into her home and sat me down on a couch sort of seat. It was wood, that's for sure.

"Laurana! Bring me my medical kit, my dear what have you done to do this?"

He accent was thick, but that doesn't mean she is a scary person. She has brown hair, sort of resembling mine. I was about to respond until the little girl came running into the room, the same little girl I saw not long ago. She could barely be five years old, she handed her mother the kit and looked up at me. A smile began to grow on her face.

"You're the lady that gave me money."

She said in a small baby voice, I couldn't help but smile, she distracted me while her mother began cleaning the open wound. Now being a goddess means being immortal, not being able to be numb from pain. Now if that were true the world wouldn't be able to work, our world I mean. I would have loved if that were the case, but sadly it isn't. I grit my teeth as she dabs a cloth to serialize the wound. The little girl, whose name I heard was Laurana, from when her mother called her over here. Held my hand with her small little fingers, and whispered.

"You're okay now, you are safe."

I smiled, and just like that. Her mother was bandaging the wound. The wound that Loki had made, to prove a point of how he can do harm. There was no dough in my mind before this that he could do such a thing, but this?

New Life (Book#1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz