Chapter Twenty

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After talking to my father for a while, Frigga said it was time I go to sleep. When I asked for the time, she replied it was ten at night. How on earth could it be this late already? She took the same path as this morning to get to my room. She helped me out of my dress, which left me to wear any sleepwear I want.


She must have left, and I was to tired to remember what I was going to say. I shrugged it off, and got into a comfortable place in bed. It was the last night of being engaged. The last night by myself. And that's what I fell asleep dreaming about. My life in Asgurad.


"Phoebeeeee. It'sss timmee."

Is all I heard before a small body jumped onto of me. I couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed, but also happy this day is finally here.

"Come lets get you washed up and I will start doing your hair."

"B-but doesn't she need to eat first?"

Laurana spoke, Frigga looked disappointed in herself for not thinking about that sooner. But I think my hand maids had that covered, when a whole tray of food was brought to me.

"I'll warm up the bath tub while you eat."

The food infront of me, was delicious. But I didn't want to pig out now, it was still earlier in the morning. I took my time, giving some to Laurana as well. Until Frigga dragged me to the bath, I scrubbed every spot on my body. Washing my hair thoroughly, until there was nothing else I could do.  She handed me a bath robe and led me to my vanity mirror, where she began working her magic. She cried twice in the process, I don't know what she was doing. But the fact of the matter is, I'm getting married. By the end of today I will be a wife to Thor. It was difficult to wrap around my head, I don't understand. Maybe by tonight everything will become clear. By the time I sorted out my thoughts, Frigga was finished. And my gods, whatever magic she pulled. Maybe my hair was beautifully done, it was perfectly curled creating a bun on the top of my head, and the ends passing my shoulders curled as well. Then little flowers, that were similar to my dress. I cried when I saw the final master piece.

"Okay the hand maids are going to do your makeup, so get all those tears out of the way now. Pull yourself together, I'll go get you a glass of water."

I nodded, and whipped my eyes with a tissue that was already placed on my vanity. The same hand maid came towards me, she took the tissue from me and whipped my tears away. She only gave a gentle smile before starting her work on me, she was blocking the mirror. But it wouldn't have worked anyway, since she was working on my eyes and such. I sat through maybe an half hour sitting through the torture, but when she finally was done. She stepped away from the mirror to allow me to see what she has done. I was stunned, it was as if I stepped into another person. She had popping blue eyes due to a thin black line around my eye, my cheeks were blushed a bit. Not to much for my disliking, and finally my lips were red.

"Thank you so much."

I looked up at her, she smiled. She was a quiet maid, she gestured for Frigga to see he master piece. And the stunned look on her face was enough to make the maid smile brighter.  

"Now the dress."

Frigga announced, the maid nodded and left the room. Only to enter again with two other hand maids, the same as yesterday. As the maids were getting it ready for me to put on, Frigga helped me with the corset. I then stepped out towards the three maids as they did the final touches to make the dress perfectly flow on the floor. I could finally breath, nothing will go wrong. Breath. Compared to my mother in law, I'm completely calm. She came over towards me, and hugged me. Tighter than before.

"Oh I couldn't have wished for a more perfect women to marry my son."

I smiled at her and pulled her in for another hug.

"Don't say that, you're going to make me cry."

I said, she laughed and whipped yet another tear off her face. I looked at the grandfather clock, and it said it was one thirty on the dot. I still had a half an hour before everything would be set in motion.

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