Chapter Ten

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"Mommy, mommy can we please go?"

"Yes, yes. Go on now, you two be safe."

We both wave to her, I put over my hood. And we begin the walk to the waterfall.

We were near the outskirts until we were stopped by a palace guard. I almost had a heart attack, the man held a paper. A missing sign, for me already. That means....Thor knows. I cursed under my breath.

"I'm sorry, I haven't seen her around here."

Laurana had an idea, I saw her eyes light up with excitement.

"Mommy, mommy come on now. Daddy said we have to be home before dinner."

This little girl, although young. Knew exactly what she was doing, the guard nodded and proceeded to the next person.

"Good girl Laurana,"

She just returned the compliment with the wide smile.

"I am sorry to disturb you milady, have you seen Princess Phoebe?"

That voice it can't be, Loki must be leading the search party. Who would have thought, he didn't expect his plan to fall apart.

"I'm sorry your highness I haven't seen her, may I asked what happened to her?"

"S-she was kidnapped, she refused body guards and the left the palace unprotected. Now she's missing."

"May I have this photo, I'm going into town later. I could help you find her."

"Oh splendid, here you are."

He hands me a flyer, it's good to know that Odin knows of my disappearance.

"Thank you sir, pleasure finally meeting you."

I said as I bowed and walked on, Laurana began to drag me onward.

"What might your name be?"

He said with a flirtatiously. Oh no, how do i-

"Mommy please, daddy said we had to be home before dinner."

She let go of my hand and began to run, this was one smart girl.

"Lauarna! Come back here."

I yelled running after her. My spell, it worked, it actually worked. He couldn't feel my presents, he didn't even recognize me. The only trouble is, how is Thor reacting to my disappearance? How do I explain this to him? How is Loki explaining this to anyone? The god of mischief is certainly messing up his own plans.


We arrived at the waterfall, and my god, was it breathe taking. It reminded me of the small lake Thor showed me on our first night here. The thought of Thor in anger and hurt, made me feel a bit guilty. But there is no way of me knowing when he is coming back, or if he is already back. A tear began to fall from my face, and at that moment. I could hold back anymore. Everything was doing well, until I had to be called out of training. To get married and expand the kingdom, and after some time with Thor, his feelings were real for me. His intention was for us to get married. It just so happened to be a few perks within the marriage that had my father happily accepts the proposal.

"Come on Phoebe, I didn't lie to the guards for nothing."

I smiled and looked up, she was already in her undergarments and knee deep in the water. I might be a princess, but I haven't done anything remotely like this, nor should a princess. Oh well, no one knows. I threw off my dress and had on basic undergarments as well. I dived right in. The coldness of the water relaxed my nerves, all the stress and anger from the past hours were on hold as the water did its magic.


Sorry for the short Chapters! :P Carry on!

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