Chapter Thirteen

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*Loki's POV

*If you know what's good for you, don't ride with me to the palace.*

She said giving me one of her famous death stares, as she walked towards the carriage, with that damn child in her arms. Why couldn't it burn with its mother, oh it will die in good time. But as of right now, it remains in Phoebes arms, softly crying. I tapped on the guards shoulder,

"Here, give this to the princess. I'll tell my father the news."

The guard nodded, and took the cup of apple juice to Phoebe. Now my plans are falling through. Before when I was looking up ways for her to forget what we discussed, it required more power than I have. Instead I created a potion, and this was absolutely the perfect time to give it to her. Not directly or else she will suspect something. I waited for her to take a sip, relief washed over me. Not only did she drink it, she gave a small amount to that blasted child. Now I hadn't planned for that, however I can't say it didn't help.


I teleported back to the palace to tell my father the good news, I rushed into the Throne room where Odin was sitting.

"This is madness father. I leave for one blasted week, and she gets captured?"

Oh what joy, Thor has returned. His hands are running through his hair, he is trying to cool down. His anger is just the root of my happiness, however I must tell them the news.

"Thor, when did you return?"

He looks toward me, and gives me a bear hug. Oh the lies I put up with.

"I came in this afternoon, after you left to go into town and look for her."

I patted his back, signaling him that's enough.

"Father wouldn't let me look for her."

He whispered, well that was a plus on my behalf.

"Well then this will put your worries away, we found her. She is on her way home as we speak."

Odin stood up from his throne to walk towards us. While Thor was trying to keep his tears back, it is a weird position to see the god of thunder crying over his love.

"Where was she? Is she alright? What happened?"

Thor said grabbing ahold of my shoulder and shaking them. This blasted god, blinded by love, my love.

"A small farm house caught on fire, she was ether was hiding in the house with the family or she helped them escape. She saved a small little girl, but the mother wasn't so lucky. A random villager who must have saw the flyers recognized her and called a guard, before I had a chance to speak to her, she fell asleep in the carriage."

Thor looked away for a second, to whip away a small tear. Then turned back at me,

"So she is okay?"

I nodded, he pushed back his long blond hair out of his face and took a deep breath.

"Father, ready our mother. I believe Phoebe is bringing the little girl with her."

Father opened his mouth, but my mother entered the room before he could speak.

"What's this I heard, Phoebe's alright and she is taking home a little girl?"

My mother asked coming closer to us,

"Yes, the girl lost her mother in the fire. And I don't believe she has a father."

"The girl can sleep in Phoebe's room tonight, while she can sleep in mine."

Thor said speaking up, my mother hugged him, whispering:

"See, everything is going to be alright."

But it isn't. Oh it isn't.


Was it obvious I was torn between Loki and Thor? Or maybe that is just me....Oh well...Another!

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