Chapter One Hundred and Five -

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The full moon had been very trying this time.

James had a long scratch that was already healing on his back from when Moony threw him back against one of the walls from the Shrieking Shack when he tried to keep him from leaving. Sirius had been thrown against a tree once he managed to push Moony back into the house with a big bite on his ankle, he had hit his head on the bark, but he was nothing other than just a little bit dizzy by the time the sun came up. Peter had been thrown around a lot, but James managed him to stop him from hitting any walls or getting too hard by getting him in between his antlers and avoiding having to use them on Moony.

But Remus was the worst. Whatever was troubling Moony, it made him scratch himself, cry and whine the whole night as he attacked several times the animals that he knew to be his mates, the mates that would help him through the night and even get him from hurting himself several times. The deep, long and bleeding in Remus' chest was the proof that something was off of its place.

When the four teenagers got back to Potter Manor, they were about to drop from exhaustion, stumbling across the mudroom after walking from where they had apparated. Peter ran forward, calling out for someone, anyone to come and help. James held the door as Sirius dragged the unconscious man in his arms inside and then helped his friends with Remus' other arm before dragging him into the parlour.

"Call for Anne, Wormtail," James said. "ANNE! ANNIE! COME DOWN! GET YOUR AID KIT!"

"ANNE! ANNE! ANNE!" Peter screamed as loud as he could, running up the stairs.

Monty as on the door of the parlour in a second, still in his pyjamas. It was Tuesday, but it was his day off. Mia followed, tying her robes around her sleeping gown and running forward, but gasping at the amount of blood. The red was soaking through the carpet – it was a worse injury than Moody's.

"What happened?" Mia asked.

"Himself happened," Sirius said. "The stupid piece of shite is so emotionally constipated that even his werewolf form can feel it."

"Not the moment, Padfoot," James said. "He scratched himself, cried the whole night, whimpered and yelped."

"Anyone else hurt?" Monty asked.

"Nothing we can't deal with. Remus' needs more attention," James said.

Monty realised how calm he sounded and looked even though his hand was shaking. His eyes were glistening a bit too much, but he was holding back his tears as well as he could. He was focused on getting help for his friend.

Anne stumbled in with her aid-kit in hand and Peter right behind her.

"Stupid! Stupid!" Sirius sobbed.

"Peter, get him out of here," Anne said.

Peter ran to Sirius as fast as he could and gently wrapped his arms around him, insisting on getting him up from the ground, whispering how he couldn't help Remus at the moment and it was best for Anne to have the space to do so. James followed, knowing that he couldn't stomach being in there with his unconscious friend, who he knew by Anne's face that was in danger.

"We need to stop the bleeding," Anne said. "I need help."

"Tell me what to do," Monty said. "Tell me what to get. I'll do it. Mia, you help here in here."

"Clean cloths – the stripped ones that Lily cut last time; we have some left in the other aid kit. Bring it whole," Mia said. Anne was focused on getting the silver out of her aid kit and the cleaning potions. "Silver will hurt him!" Mia said, surprised that Anne had her bloody hands trying to open the small jar of silver.

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