Chapter Eleven

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Student Anne Lilian Sage, year 6, has been assigned detention:

Date: 13.05.1976 – Time: 06:30 PM – Room: Slughorn Office, dungeons.

Reason for Detention: Indecent behaviour with a male student inside a broom closet, caught red-handed by Mister Filch.

Now, that was embarrassing.

Dear readers, understand that Anne only caught one detention in all her school career, and that one time had been to save Harry's arse from getting his seventh detention that year.

She didn't even correct Filch that her middle name was actually Lily, that was how nervous she felt.

And there she was, in the year she had gone for an important job with a pink piece of paper that she was pretty sure weighted a lot more than a piece of paper would. Still, she wondered who would be notified of her detention; all the terrible alternatives she had sounded terrible: her grandparents or her actual dad, who certainly would find out about her detention in one way or another.

So, at dinner, she ate fast to go to detention that she had in an hour.

"Oi there," said Sirius, sitting beside her. "Slow down, you'll choke."

"I'm on a time limit here, mate," she answered, mouth full.

"Oh," made Remus, turning his head to her from where he was sitting on her other side. "Care to elaborate on that?"

"No, I do not," she answered, sensing she had made a terrible mistake by answering like that, because in the moment she turned her head to the side, Sirius saw the small pink piece of paper inside the book over the table.

"My, my, looks like our new Golden Child got a detention, Moony," joked Sirius, reaching for the book. "What did you do, Miss Sage? Did you wander into the wrong part of the library? Stepped on Madame Norris' tail while you were walking-reading around the corridors again?"

The movement was so fast that neither of them saw it coming, but Anne had her hand holding the book closed and determinate, angry eyes glaring at Sirius' so intensively that he froze for a second, taken aback by her reaction. He slowly backed away from the book and just looked at Peter in confusion, but the poor boy just shrugged – he never understood girls, much less angry ones.

"You did what?" James asked, turning away from where he was talking to Marlene, who turned in confusion, not having heard what had happened before James froze mid-sentence. "Anne, when the hell did you get a detention? What did you do?"

She felt her stomach churning in nervousness, shaking her head.

"It was nothing, James. A misunderstanding," she answered.

James clearly didn't believe her, because his eyes narrowed and he fixed his glasses on his noise bridge.

"Anne..." he said in a warning tone.

"I'm not lying!" she whined, sitting down again and crossing her arms.

Sirius moved faster than she ever could then, a smile growing in his lips as he took the detention slip and unfolded it, reading it and letting his smile grow even more and his eyes widen.

"Miss Sage!" he said as if scandalized. "Indecent behaviour –"

"Stop that!" she exclaimed, throwing herself towards him to get the paper from him before he could finish. "Sirius!"

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