Chapter Forty-Six

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Anne found herself loving the most hated day of the Gryffindors: Wednesday. That meant that all her classes were shared with Slytherin, and more than that, all of them were shared with Regulus. But that first Wednesday of the year was hated deeply. It was the day of the full moon, and Remus was still in bed, hips hurting so much that he didn't dare to get up and Sirius had stayed behind with a note of McGonagall taking care of him.

Marlene was holding her arm tight, whispering on her ear about Dorcas's new socks as the girl walked by, waving happily after breakfast, going outside for Herbology with Ravenclaw in her yellow robes. Anne would've never had noticed something as simple as socks on someone else, but Marlene seemed very obsessed over the small detail.

"I will marry her someday," she said out loud.

"I don't think you can," James said, walking with his and Anne's bag on his shoulders.

"Don't be homophobic," Anne said.

"I'm talking about law, Anne, not morals," James answered, rolling his eyes. "Look where you're walking," he added when she tripped, Marlene holding her steady.

Marlene laughed.

"You two are brother and sister," Marlene whispered. James didn't seem to have heard, barely looking at Marlene since Lily had said something and he had turned to look at her. He grabbed Marlene's arm to make her wait as Lily leaned down to tie her shoe. "He still likes her, doesn't he?"

"I think so," Anne whispered back. "I think he's just... backing off."

He was doing exactly that under the very clear instructions of Remus and Anne. Peter had quickly agreed that it would make her like him more, but he made his way back to the opinion that he shouldn't stop flirting with her completely when Sirius had said so. Still, James seemed to be taking Anne's advice a bit more seriously than she expected, being the perfect gentleman with calm smiles, jokes and dismissive attitude altogether, but not only to Lily, but to all girls in general. He had said no to two dates in the very first week of school, smiling at the girls and quickly telling them names of boys that fancied them.

"I think Lily's starting to fancy him," Marlene said.

"No way!" Anne said, this time a bit too loud. "Fuck!"

"Language!" James said, looking back at Anne.

Anne showed her tongue to him, but smiled at Marlene.

"I got to go now, guys. I see you all later!" Anne said, getting her arm unhooked from Marlene's. "Good class!"

"You too," Lily said, getting up. "Come on, Marls, James."

As they walked to the left, taking their way towards the Magical Creatures Care class, Anne made her way quickly through the right part of the castle to get to the stairs that would lead her into the Ancient Runes' classroom, but before she could get to the first step, somebody pulled her arm.

Yelping when a hand covered her mouth, she prepared to fight until she saw the grey eyes sparkling in mischief. She pushed Regulus harshly on the chest, making him hit the wall behind him with a chuckle.

"Holy fuck, you almost gave a heart attack!" she complained in a hiss.

He smiled, relaxed, back still against the wall.

"I wanted a kiss before we went in," he said.

"So you pulled me into an empty corridor?" she asked, raising her eyebrows. "Absolutely stupid."

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