Chapter Eighty-Six

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Fluffy long chapter to apologize for the last chapter and because I'm bored on the IV. It always makes me sleepy for some reason, so I'm trying to keep myself awake.



There was a hand on her arm, Anne realised as she woke up, surprisingly, without a startle. One moment she was asleep and in the other, her eyes were slowly opening, looking around the familiar bedroom of the Gryffindor Seventh Year Girl Dormitories.

Lily was sitting at the edge of her bed, a small smile on her lips and caressing her hair away from her face. The way that she was leaning away from Anne made the girl think that she might have kissed Anne's forehead as she slept, but she didn't mind at all, she smiled back still fighting the wish to go back to sleep.

"I thought you wouldn't want to miss our last breakfast as students," Lily said.

June 17th, the last day ever in Hogwarts. The younger children would go to the train right after breakfast and the older kids would stay behind for the school ceremony of graduation. They would have the whole afternoon free to do whatever they wanted and, at night, the ceremony would start. Lily was right to assume that Anne wouldn't want to miss that last experience.

Anne had never seen a graduation ceremony; she had just found out of how the ceremony worked that very year since she never thought that ahead of time. All she had ever planned before the 70s was surviving and now she had a chance for, one more day, to live as a normal teenager. As she sat down and cracked her neck, she promised to herself that no war, no fights and no trouble would ever ruin that for her.

Not even the way Marlene refused to look at her as she walked out of the bedroom.

"She's still angry," Anne commented. "I'm the one that should be angry."

"Anne, you crossed the line. You both did. You're both wrong and you both need to apologize to each other," Lily said, getting up from the bed and fixing her skirt. "Marlene is very hurt that you still keep secrets from her and don't explain anything of what you're doing to her when she clearly can see that the boys and I know. And I understand that she shouldn't have talked about your situation or about Harry, it hurt me as well, but I can understand that she was just very upset and wanted to hurt you. You wanted to hurt her as well."

"But I didn't," she said, getting up and reaching for her feet as a stretch.

"Not as much as Marlene hurt you, but you did try," Lily said. "Now, let's leave it for another day. That can't get in the way today of all days."

Lily nodded to her own words as she pushed Anne towards the door of the bathroom and gave her time to fix herself up before walking out already in her uniform and tying her tie smoothly as she looked around the bedroom, trying to memorize it one more time.

"I'm going to miss this," she admitted.

"We all are," Lily agreed, also looking around the bedroom. "Anyone with half-a-mind would miss the place they slept through seven years," she turned to look at Anne once more. "You slept the whole night last night."

"What?" Anne asked, confused.

"You didn't put your silent charms last night and you slept the whole night, barely moved at all," Lily said. "I pulled an all-nighter drawing a bit, I didn't want to forget anything from last night. We played chess and sang, I liked that. I didn't want to forget. I think we won't have a lot of chances to do the same after tonight."

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