Chapter Seventy-Two

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"AGAIN!" screamed Monty.

Anne wanted to try it again, she wanted to do more than try to get up from the ground, but her muscles weren't answering to her mind. If it was a real duel, she would be losing, or worse, dead.

"EXPELLIARMUS!" she screamed, still on her knees.

Monty rolled his eyes as he defended himself with ease. He, non-verbally, send another spell on her direction. She felt herself rolling before she felt her head hitting the floor harshly, making her yelp as she scrambled to get up.

"Are you telling me you survived a war and you duel like a child?" Monty said, waiting for her to get up. He crossed his arms. "It's no surprise you needed someone to always protect you. You can't defend yourself for shit."

Uncomfortable, James and Sirius shifted against the wall of the empty room that once had been their father's office. He had gotten rid of everything to train the kids.

"Stop it, Dad!" James said. "You're hurting her."

"James, shut it!" Remus said.

"No, mate, look at her!" Sirius insisted, worried.

"She got the attention of Bellatrix Lestrange, she needs to learn how to deal with it now. This is her own fault for not being able to keep herself away from the spotlight; the Slytherin in her didn't die enough for her to fix herself into the Gryffindors without a hitch. I know, my wife is just like her, sons," Monty said. "She survived a war before, she can survive another if she stops holding herself back in fears of hurting me and starts attacking me for real. Come on, Annie! As hard as you can. Don't be a baby. Hurt me!"

"I can't do that," she said.


There was blood inside her mouth.

She spat on the floor. 

Oh, look, there was a tooth as well.

Did she grind her teeth enough to break one of them?

Funny, she didn't remember the pain.

She tried not to throw up with the metallic taste, just spat again and curled her lip in disgust. She was ready to try again.

"I'm an adult. I'm the Head Auror, I think I can deal with whatever you, my dear teenage girl, can throw at me," said the grandfather. "Come on, honey, do your worse. Make sure I can trust you, little girl."

Little girl. She hated it. She had been called that before and the patronizing undertones hadn't gone away from her mind yet.

Standing now, Anne focused her magic from her core to her arm, feeling the warm liquid-like energy pass from her body to her arm. The strongest spell she had thrown in a while.

"Alarte Ascendare!" she screamed.

Monty flew up, arms going around his body trying to find something to grab before he hit the peak of his height and falling as fast as it was possible, he threw a spell down, falling, but managing to not break anything, already throwing a disarming spell towards her. She defended herself quickly, taking steps back quickly. Another forceful spell coming from him made her fall on her behind since not even her shield was able to protect her from the impact.

With a good Bat-Boogey Hex that Ginny taught her, Anne got up.

Monty laughed.

"Good girl!" he screamed.

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