Chapter Three

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Sirius felt something terrible boiling up his blood as he watched Anne, James and Remus get along so well and he had dragged Peter to his side, who didn't want to leave Sirius sulking alone, but wanted to meet and try to socialize with Anne.

"Whatever's wrong with you?" Peter asked Sirius once Anne was sitting between James and Remus on the breakfast table, getting quite a few looks of curiosity.

"She's weird," he answered simply.

Peter rolled his eyes.

"So am I and I didn't see you avoiding and glaring at me when we first met, Pads. What's really wrong?" Peter asked once more.

"She gives me a few bad feelings, like... I don't feel comfortable around her," he explained.

That seemed to get Peter's attention, making his ears move a bit as he started to pay full attention to his friend and leaving his breakfast on the side, worried about what that meant as a whole.

"Do you need to get out of here? Did she do something to you?" Peter asked, hand quickly going to hold Sirius'.

Sirius pulled his hand back and crossed his arms, ignoring Peter's attempt of comfort by rolling his eyes and pretending he didn't see the worry and pity in his friend's eyes.

His friends would always look at him like that ever since the year before, fifth, when they found out about the way too many scars on his calf and thighs by the rattan stick his mother had in her room. It wasn't even that bad, but apparently no one else would do that to their children.

"No, it's nothing like that," Sirius dismissed him. "It's more like... a vibe."

Peter sighed and crossed his arms too, not going back to eating.

"You are not very good at catching vibes off of people. You can barely read a room, Padfoot," he teased.

That made Sirius smile.

"Hey, I'm not that bad!" he defended himself half-heartedly.

"My arse!" disagreed Peter. "Listen, give her a chance, alright? You don't need to be her friend, but at least try to be polite to her, alright? She's new and she's confused. James seemed to like her and already took her in like he did with that one first year, the German kid I forgot the name. If she does anything, you come and tell us, and she's out. Got it?"

Sirius looked at Peter.

He knew his friend just wanted to help him and support him, but at the same time wanted to be social and kid to people because that was who Peter was. Although he needed help and protection from people bigger and stronger than him physically, he knew he should help other people that were bullied like he was before James decided it was time to fight back for him and dragged Sirius and Remus with him.

They were one. They were the Marauders.

If James had taken a liking to the girl, it was nothing more than Sirius' job to make sure she was alright and make her trust him somehow.

"You're right, Wormtail," he said to Peter, pushing his shoulder gently. "Cheers, mate."

Peter smiled a bit and went to take a sip of his morning juice.

While that conversation happened, the talking two seats away from them was much shallower and even a bit awkward between the people.

While James and Remus decided Anne was polite and nice enough to hang out with without asking too many questions at once, the girls were not as gentle or subtle about their curiosities and had asked several questions at once, making it hard to Anne to understand or want to participate in a simple conversation.

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