Chapter Two

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To move around in absolute silence in the middle of Monday night in a dormitory filled with young, tired girls is a challenge only someone that grew up in toxic households, was forced to live in dormitories or a war veteran could ever manage, dear reader.

Fortunately (or unfortunately), Anne was both and got to move to the new, empty bed in the corner of the room (near the window turned to the Forbidden Forest) without waking anyone and without tripping on anything.

Anne smiled as she sat on the bed. It had been the exact same place she would sleep in her time. Ginny was on the bed beside hers while the wall was on the other side.

She peeked on the bed on her left to almost hold her breath in surprise. It was another red-headed girl, but it took her just a second to see it wasn't Ginny.

The girl wasn't stiff and didn't stir at every noise, she was relaxed and slept with her lips open, drool pooling on the pillow underneath her head; that girl was Lily Evans, her mother. In the dark, illuminated only by the moonlight of the moon the day before the full-moon, it was clear to see the vibrant shade of red hair and the pale skin tone; they had this much in common, but Anne's face had more angles, while Lily's was softer and she seemed quite shorter than Anne.

Anne took a moment to appreciate it and think that maybe her father was tall, because she was pretty tall when compared to Harry, five whole centimetres taller than him and Lily didn't seem much taller than Harry's height, so Anne must have got that gene from someone else.

She had never taken too much time thinking about her parents; they hadn't been in her life and she couldn't remember a single thing about them, after all she was only babe when they passed away – a few months old, while Harry was already a whole year-old.

She hoped in silence that things wouldn't be too awkward.

Lily's eyes opened when she felt too watched. In her sleepy state, she looked in confusion to the tall girl standing near the window and pulling sweets out of her pockets and putting them all underneath her pillow.

"Who are you?" Lily asked in a small whisper.

Anne turned and hesitated.

She thought it wouldn't hurt, but it did – her mother didn't recognize her. Not that she expected her to, but still her heart ached for a second.

"Anne Sage," she answered, "just transferred back from America,"

Lily squinted her eyes, looking her up and down as if trying to decide if she was real.

"No one told us about a transferee," Lily said. "I'm a Prefect, I would've –"

"I wasn't expected," Anne cut her off. "Go back to sleep. We can talk in the morning, it's very late."

Lily didn't seem too excited about ignoring the girl and going back to sleep, but it was Monday (well, not anymore; by that hour, it was Tuesday) and she was clearly tired about school and homework. She went to sleep seconds after the small discussion.

Anne sat on the bed and pulled her legs under the covers and watched Lily's back move with her breath.

Things were going to be more difficult than she expected. The way her heart skipped a beat when her mother talked to her had made it sure to show her that the several soon-dead people she'd see were going to make her feel heavy and guilty, even if she had nothing to do with their deaths – she was only a kid when most of them died, there was nothing she could do about it.

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