Chapter Eighty-Five

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Anne thought that June 10th would bring better things once she ignored Marlene's cold eyes over her as she walked past her to go to the bathroom in the morning, Lily standing almost in between them as if they were going to jump each other at any moment, but breakfast made the end of her final year even worse. With Marlene sitting with Dorcas in the Hufflepuff table and Mary making her way to sit with them as well, Anne felt nervous that Marlene would end up spilling the secrets (the few she knew, at least) to the two.

The mail was brought the same time as always, but there was a letter to Anne.

"Mum wrote to you?" James asked over his eggs, raising his eyebrows. "She didn't write to me this week."

"You received her letter yesterday, you dramatic man," Lily groaned, rolling her eyes.

In silence, not recognizing the handwriting that addressed that heavy letter to her, she put the letter on the table, wand waving as she checked – no explosions, no poison in the ink, no poison on the paper. She opened it.

Dear Anne,

In this letter, my family and I officially congratulate you in your newest relationship with Severus Snape. May your relationship last and blossom into a long-lived marriage in the future after school that is to come. I, particularly, was happy to hear of your new arrangement, making you secure in a world so dangerous as the British Wizarding World. Your equalitarian match is an inspiration to us all.

It's good to see a half-blood not as ambitious as to be completely delusional about her own position in this world, a realist woman is what all women should be and I admire you for showing it off to the world to see. I'm sure Severus is very proud of you and I'm sure Regulus is proud of finally putting you two together, he has been trying to do so for a few months now behind the scenes (at least I asked him to be as discreet as possible).

My husband and I will throw a party for Regulus' graduation in the 18th. We were expecting you and your sweetheart to make an appearance, after all Regulus seem fond on you – quite lucky, you two are, aren't you? Your presence might mean the difference between a job and starving in the future and Severus' presence is absolutely mandatory (do talk to him for me, yes?)

I hope to see you once more.

Lady Walburga Black, the Mistress of the House of Black,

PS: Make sure to remember your place.

As if the 'PS' was necessary after she left that very sentence implied several times. Anne supposed, Walburga wasn't one for subtly now that her mental condition was slipping away so quickly. For that very same reason, it was surprising that she was inviting Anne at all or trying to be polite at all to her.

"Not Mia," she answered. "Walburga."

"What?!" Sirius said, leaning over the table to get a glimpse at the letter. "What does that bitch want?"

"To invite me to a party, with a very clear 'ps' to make me remember my place now that I belong to Severus, apparently," she said, holding back her annoyed laughter. "I suppose can't be all too surprised with her rudeness, but I am surprised she was even polite enough to not call me a slur by letter. I think I'm climbing up her ranking."

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