The strawberry was fully ripe and disintegrated upon entry. Jungkook moved his tongue and savoured the sweetness in his mouth. His eyes snapped opened to look at her.

His bright and clear gaze stared right into her eyes.

Lisa's guts failed her once again. She ducked her head and left him with the view of the top of her head.

"Lisa", Jungkook whispered her name.


"I have something to tell you after your competition is over".

Her head still lowered, Lisa curved her lips. "Sure".


In the wink of an eye, time flew till it was April.

On the 11th Of April, the RCU speed skating team took the plane to Seoul to participate in the National University Championship. Along with them was someone not in the team Jungkook.

Mm, Jungkook was there as a cheerleader.

It was a three-day event held from the 13th to the 15th. The first round of every competition was held on the first day while the subsequent rounds determining the medallists took placed over the next two days.

Lisa's focus, the 500 meters event, was on the morning of the second day.

She was in excellent condition and progressed smoothly to the semi-finals. She was placed in the third lane of the second heat.

After the broadcaster recited her name, she skated to the starting line and waved towards the crowd.

Jungkook gazed at her from his seat in the stands. After training for so long, Lisa had finally built up her muscles. However, due to her naturally slender frame and height of 1.68 m, her overall appearance was still tall and willowy. Like a beautiful leopard, the lines of her body were graceful and taut.

The more he looked at her, the more beautiful she got.

Jungkook's eyes revealed traces of soft warmth as he raised his hand and waved to her.

Lisa was not looking at him. She was gearing up at the starting line.

The lane placement for speed skating proceeded from the inner to outer lanes. The further out the lane was, the lesser the starting advantage. For such a short distance like 500 meters, this advantage was of utmost importance.

Being in the third lane, Lisa's advantages was only slightly more than the skater in the fourth lane.

She was wholly focused on setting off and her body reacted much quicker than her mind, resulting in her shooting out the very same moment the gun went off.

The referee halted the race and gave Lisa a warning. She had committed a false start.

Lisa's heart sunk. she quickly adjusted herself mentally and returned to the starting line.

For a speed skating competition, all skaters had the grace of the false start. The second time it happened, the skater would be disqualified immediately. Lisa did not dare to make light of her mistake. She took grate effort to rein herself in and only moved after hearing the gunshot distinctly.

As a result, she started a tiny bit slower than the others.

Even though she was only slower by a hair, this difference quickly manifested into an apparent physical distance. She immediately fell to the fourth spot, coming in last in the entire race.

She fought to make a comeback. However, this was not an easy task as no one on this track was here to play. After using every inch of her strength, she only managed to surpass one person after four and a half rounds. She entered the "B" final after finishing third.

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