What Does It Mean?!: Chapter 21 Arc 3

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You watched in surprise in the room as you saw the purple armor like suit. You saw the scientists all around were clapping as they were even cheering at the armor. You gripped your hands as you felt this sense of fear in the back of your throat, it made you almost throw up.

Doctor: R.O.B or The Radiant Offense BattlePlate, is made against the oppressive powers of the Radiants. Made to suit a human of normal size, it has built in functions to shut down almost all Radiants.

Roni: Marvelous... How does it work? Although I assume, all my requests were of priority.

Doctor: Of course sir. This suit is built with anti weaponry nano technology. Capable of blocking the smallest bullet to any large caliber. Let me demonstrate.

The doctor snapped her fingers as a man wearing military grade armor walked out of the other room with a huge operator based sniper rifle.

Doctor: The Beret .50 Cal, otherwise known to most as the Operator. This gun is capable of killing a human from almost any point on the body. And if it doesn't kill, it will most certainly be the end of anything they wish to do in the future. Observe.

The man loaded the gun as he aimed it down to the head of the armor. In an instant the gun went off, and fired into the headpiece of the armor. You couldn't even see how fast it was going as you heard a bang against metal.

You saw how the rifle shell was dented into the armor as it fell off the head piece. Not a sing scratch on the thing as it looked just as good as it did before.

The whole room was clapping as the girl known as Madoline was silent and was now standing behind her father as she held onto his pants. You walked over to her as you gave her a small smile as she went out from her father's leg.

Roni: Impressive, but I want to know about these Anti-Radiant capabilities this thing has.

Doctor: As you wish. Radianite is a powerful substance, we don't even know its full capabilities, however I figured out something amazing.

Y/N: ( I hope they are getting all of this... This could be huge.)

Doctor: When you have Radianite by itself, it can be highly dangerous, when two collide, and are exposed to high amounts of pressure, they emit a force. I realized this fact and took it to heart. I want to show you what this truly means.

The Doctor held up a piece of Radianite as he walked up to the platform and placed it into the core of the armor. It glowed with purple and red energy as a person wearing spandex walked close to it.

He held out his arms as he placed his body in the suit. The suit closed quickly as it fired up and the armor began to move. The man moved very lightly, as if he was just taking it's first steps. He jumped off the platform as he moved very quickly. It was almost as if he wasn't in a suit of armor in the first place.

Doctor: Enhanced movement, the closest simulation to human movement I could make. Dynamic flexible joints and increased physical prowess.

The man picked up a table with ease as he flung it across the room with the same ease.

Doctor: With that, speed is equal to upper body strength.

Roni: Very impressive doctor.

Madoline: It's very scary papa, I don't like it.

Roni: It's ok Maddie, I won't let it get to you.

Doctor: With that, it has one final function... I call it Overdrive. The Radianite crystal powering it can be overclocked, giving less time within the suit, but power beyond imagination. Show them.

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