"I care because your mate bond affects all of us."

"How so?"

"Well you know Atlas is the Alpha, right? And it is his job to lead our pack, to guide us through both good and bad times. But that task is hard for just one wolf. Of course, you have the Beta, me, and the Delta, Ezra, to divide some major tasks. Nevertheless, the Alpha needs also emotional support and that's were you come in."

Niel let the words sink in, having a hard time what to make it of.

"You see we as a pack are linked to one another and through the pack link we can communicate but we also can feel each other feelings. It's deluded otherwise you would grow crazy, but still you can feel a fraction of it and those feelings are mostly dominated by the Alpha's feelings. So when you ran away we all could feel the Alpha's anger... It's a blessing and a curse really the pack link. When we thrive as a pack we all feel euphoric, but when we don't, oh boy, we are more depressed than the average teenager these days."

The teenage boy had listened well, but it was too much for him. It was too much information to process. He sighed. There was so much he had to take account of, so many things he needed to understand. While he still was sorting out his own life, to give it a place in his heart he was cast out by his own family, that his soccer career never took off, not had even begun yet.

"This is too much," Niel muttered.

"But why-"

"Why? Because of all of this, I was kicked out by my own parents, hated by my whole school and everything I was taught to believe was shattered within mere minutes. How would you react? How would you feel when your whole life changed because you met one man?"

Levi became silent. Both of them let their words sink in. When several minutes had passed the Beta stood up. "Okay, let's head back. Breakfast is almost ready."

The men ran the same path back to the pack house, it was now even harder for Niel but he didn't mind. He needed to work out more anyway. He had sat still for too long and the teenage boy grew worried he might gain weight.

When they headed back inside Levi turned to Niel, "Go shower, I will get you for breakfast."

"No, that's-"

"Uh-uh, you are going to join us Niel. It will be fun, promise" Levi winked again and smirked while heading in the other direction.

Niel cursed inside his head. The last thing he wanted was to have breakfast with Atlas. He made his way to his room, followed by another male, it wasn't Ezra this time. When they arrived at the door, the male stood aside, guarding the room. Niel shook his head but entered the bedroom anyway. He took a quick shower and got dressed, it was the last pair of clean clothes he had taken from his home. The scent from his family home still lingered across his shirt. He stuffed the shirt in his face, trying to enjoy the scent, but it only filled him with sadness and homesickness.

It was then Niel had a great longing for his home, especially his mom. He missed his mother incredibly. He threw his shirt over his head and sat on the bed.

A knock on his door made him stand up. "Come in." It was Levi who entered. "All right, are you ready?"

"Do I have to?"

"Yes, come on." Levi put a hand on Niel's shoulder and guided him over the threshold.

With a big sigh, Niel was guided towards the dining room where a long table was set and full of food. At the head of the table was Atlas seated, some other people were there as well, Atlas' parents, Rain and Ezra together with others Niel didn't know about. The table wasn't fully set, only half of it was being used, so Niel wondered if this group of people had a special kind of meaning to the pack.

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