Mechanized Threat: Part 1

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At the top of the mountains

A strange robot was looking at the sky.... He then looked at a blue emerald that he was holding. He still remembered how he got from those disgusting humans.... Before someone tried to stop him.


Five gangsters were walking around the abandoned city, searching for anything that could be valuable before anyone else could grab it from their hands.

"Found anything?" One thug asked.

"No... God, this is so annoying!" The second thug complained.

"You think?" The third thug said sarcastically before getting serious. "We've freaking lost that dumb bet on the street racing one week ago."

"Yeah, now we have to pay them since we've lost the stupid bet..." The four thug said.

Everyone was betting on who was going to win the street night race last week. However, these four picked the losing car and now, they have to find some way to pay the people who won the bet. Since they couldn't get jobs due to their criminal records, they decided to search for something in the abandoned city.

The fifth thug was looking around the ruined, empty buildings to see if there was anything worth a million dollars. That was when something was glowing at the end of the hallway.

"Huh?" A shocked thug exclaimed, "What's that glow?"

The thug continued to walk into the dark hallway until he found a emerald. "Huh?"

The thug walked closer to the light, until he saw it, "Woah! This must be the greatest thing that has ever happened to me!"

The others walked through the same alley and saw the same thing he was holding.

"Wow! That looks shiny!"

"And it's amazing!"

"Do you think it'll pay enough for our debt if we sell it?"

"It's worth a try, guys," The leader agreed, "Let's go"

That was when they heard something, "Huh? W-What was that?"

"I don't know"

The thugs were a bit scared, until they saw a missile coming towards their direction.

"OH SH-!"


The building was destroyed after the missile blasted, killing the four thugs in the process. Then, someone came and picked it up.


Flashback End

"Finally, I got the first of the Chaos Emeralds... Now to find the rest of them!"

The Mech Robot then started his boosters and flew towards the air, continuing his search for the Chaos Emeralds.

Hey everyone! I'm so, so, so, so, so sorry for the huge delay! I've been going through a lot! That, and I was busy with my other stories! I know this chapter is very short, but I promise that the next part of this special arc will blow your minds!

Read, comment, review and God Bless Y'all!

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