Darkness Rising Part 5

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Optimus: We cannot allow Megatron to send Dark Energon through his Space Bridge. If we fail, the dead of Cybertron will rise... Swarm through its vortex... and invade Earth. Bending humankind to Megatron's twisted rule.

Sonic, Tails, and Cliffjumper drove in the base as Optimus finished talking. The duo got off of Cliff's vehicle mode and the red mech transformed into his robot mode. The blue hedgehog and the yellow two-tailed fox then looked up at the Autobot leader.

Sonic: Well, good news, Prime. We'll make sure that never happens.

Tails: Yeah!

Outside of KO Burgers, Jack looked at the fast food place. Last night, Miko tried to convince him to come back to the team, only to refuse since he didn't want to be in danger and just wanted a normal life. He even tried to get Raf to come with him so the pre-teen wouldn't get hurt, or even worse. However, Raf decided to stay with the Autobots. Before the older teen could walk inside, he heard sounds behind him. When he turned around, he saw Arcee in her vehicle mode.

Arcee: Nice bike.

He then started walking to her.

Jack: A-Arcee? Look, really, Miko already tried. Tell Optimus I respect him big time, but if you're at war with the Decepticons... There's nothing I can do to help.

Arcee: Optimus didn't send me, and no one's asking for your help.

Jack: Okay, so if we both agree that I'm not warrior material...

Arcee: Jack, I just lost someone I cared about... Maybe it's the grieve talking, maybe you're growing onto me. Whatever it is... I'm just not ready to say good-bye.

Jack was surprised that the two-wheeler said all those things. He then smiled at her.

Back in the Autobot Base, The Autobots were getting ready for the fight of their lives, and they weren't the only ones.

Since Sonic and Tails can't return home because the Chaos Emeralds aren't enough to teleport them back, they decided to stay and help the Autobots stop Megatron's plan for good. Even though it's not their world, they weren't going to let some monstrous decepticon take over it.

Ratchet: Optimus, I've pinpointed the location of Megatron's Space Bridge. High in Earth's orbit.

Optimus: Out of our reach.

Miko: Ok, so you guys don't fly... but can't you just ground-bridge there?

Ratchet: The ground-bridge has limited range. Stretched all the way in orbit its vortex could snap, and scatter us to the stars.

Sonic, Tails, Miko, and Raf had worried looks on their faces. Even though they only knew the Autobots for a few days, they didn't want them to get hurt... or killed. Optimus then walked to the ground-bridge tunnel.

Optimus: Since Megatron is likely already in transit, I'm afraid we must take that risk. Reaching the space-bridge first is our only means of stopping him.

After Optimus finished talking about their mission, they heard noises coming from the tunnel and saw Arcee in her vehicle mode, with Jack on broad.

Jack: Hey, guess who's back!

The Autobots, Miko, Raf, Sonic, and Tails saw Jack and were happy to see him. Optimus then walked up to the ground bridge.

Optimus: Autobots, prepare for departure.

Arcee then transformed into her robot mode after Jack got off of her.

Arcee: Where to?

Miko: The final frontier.

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