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Arcee, Cliffjumper, Jack and Sonic the Hedgehog leisurely through a forest of trees that dwarfed the twenty-bot tall mech and the fifteen-foot tall fembot. Arcee was holding an Energon scanner, used for detecting even the slightest of Energon signatures and at the moment there indefinitely was a trace. Jack was dealing with the blood-sucking insects that were trying to get to his neck, while Sonic was enjoying his walk. Cliffjumper was holding the Chaos Radar that Tails gave him, used for detecting any chaos energy, or, in this case, a chaos emerald.

"You guys found anything, yet?" Sonic asked.

"No, not really..." Cliff said. "Wow...The trees are starting to annoy me."

"At least, they're nothing like bugs." Jack complained, trying to shoot the blood-sucking insects away. "Ugh, I really wish I had packed some insect repellent. These mosquitoes on this routine recon mission are as large as vampire bats, and they drink just as much blood".

Sonic chuckles, "Hopefully not too much. None of them could touch me."

"Quite the outdoorsman, aren't you guys?" She quipped with a smile. 

Jack looked at her and returned the smirk. "You wouldn't be making fun of the survival kit?"He motioned towards the black bag strapped to the side of hip, hidden behind his shirt.

"Maybe," Her smile widened.

"I may not have stinger-proof metal skin like you and Cliffjumper, Arcee, but I can use my multi-function pocketknife and magnesium fire starter to cook up some freeze-dried Mac and cheese," he said with pride.

Sonic smiled as well with pride. "Same. I may be small, compared to you transformers, but I have the speed of sound and light"

"You two have your tools, Cliff and I have ours" Arcee replied.

Cliff then smiled, "You three are quite the conversationalists."

Suddenly, the Energon scanner started beeping louder. Arcee examined it and was a bit taken back by the results given by the device. She showed it to Cliff, who was shocked as well.

"Whoa." He exclaimed.

"That's odd. Ratchet's satellite scans were accurate, but sub-terrain Energon deposits don't cause this kind of surge" Arcee elaborated.

That was when the Chaos radar started beeping louder as well. Once Cliff checked it out, he couldn't believe it.

"Wow, the radar's going through the roof, but I don't even see the emerald in front of us."

"Then let's keep going." Sonic advised.

Both Autobots proceeded forward with Sonic and Jack right behind them. A minute later, the four reached the top of a hill and was shocked at what they saw. On the valley floor below was a humongous scar that cut through the earth and the forest. The ground was black from ashes and there was still grey smoke emanating from the gorge.

"What happened here?" asked Jack.

"Crash landing," Cliffjumper answered.

"Seriously? How did someone not see this?" Sonic said in a 'are you serious' tone.

"Don't know... but stay behind us, low and close" Arcee complied in a serious voice.

The four descended down the hill and followed the edge of the gorge. Jack and Sonic, as Arcee instructed, kept low and close behind her and Cliffjumper; nevertheless, Sonic was in his fighting position in case something happened. Another minute passed before the blue hedgehog, the black-haired teenager, red Autobot and blue Autobot came across a huge, black and purple starship lying at the end of the gorge. Arcee, Cliffjumper, Sonic and Jack squatted behind a large rock a hundred meters from the vessel.

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