Masters and Students

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The Nemesis

The former second in command watches the video of Megatron being destroyed, along with their space bridge. Despite losing to their enemies, and finding out that he had to deal with two new foes, he had to thank them for getting rid of the Decepticon leader for him.

Starscream: Such a shame. But I applaud you, Megatron... You certainly made a grand exit.

That's when Soundwave (who has been repaired) started walking towards Starscream.

Starscream: Ah, Soundwave. Cue the audio/visual. I wish to address the troops.

The silent decepticon does what he was told and turns on the monitor so the decepticon troops can see their new leader.

Starscream: The loss of Megatron, leader of the great Decepticon uprising, is certainly a blow to our cause. Yet we mustn't despair over his tragic demise, but instead embrace his ultimate sacrifice, and build upon the foundation he laid... With an even mightier hand.

One of the soldiers raised his hand to get the seeker's attention, who was annoyed but let him proceed.

Steve: With all due respect, Commander Star- Uh, Lord Starscream.

Starscream: Yes, yes. What is it?

Steve: If we failed to conquer earth under Lord Megatron's command, what hope do we have now while the autobots still defend it?

The decepticon seeker sighed in annoyance and decided to answer his question.

Starscream: Allow me to be crystal clear. I studied for millennia under our former master. Thus, I am equipped to lead you - I, Megatron's true heir, Lord Starscream, Emperor of Destruction!

The soldiers looked at their leader and each other in disbelief, whispering and murmuring. Starscream looked at them, scoffed, and walked away from the silent decepticon and the monitor.

Starscream: What use are troops who can't rise to the task of inflicting unspeakable destruction in my name?

While angry, however, Starscream did form an idea in his mind. He then smiled darkly.

Starscream: Ah, but wait. Legend tells of one capable warrior, one who exists here, upon this very planet, one who can be a student to my master.

Autobot Base

Everything was quiet in the base where the autobots, the human children, and the two mobians are. After defeating Megatron, the world was in peace. However, Prime looked sad and upset, which the medic noticed. The two-tailed also noticed it, while he was fixing his plane. They then decided to walk towards him.

Ratchet: Optimus, why so glum? This planet... All planets are finally free from Megatron's tyranny.

Tails: Yeah. With him gone, we can stop the decepticons much faster now. Even Mobius is safe from them since they don't know about it.

Optimus: Ratchet, Tails, I do not disagree. It's just... a small part of me hoped to change Megatron's mind, not extinguish his spark.

Ratchet: Optimus... His vileness was not slain by your hand, but by his own twisted arrogance!

Optimus only sighed in hesitation. The medic then looked down, remembering that Optimus and Megatron were the best of friends back on their planet before the War for Cybertron.

Ratchet: I'm sorry. I know the two of you had quite a history.

Tails knew what Optimus was saying... He has been in this situation before.

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