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HELLOOO!!! gotta love this chapter man...it's just like cutesy and fluff. DJDHSK



ricky and i are strolling through a local park, hand in hand, taking in the last of paris. today is our last day here...our flight leaves at 5am tomorrow.

"i can't believe we have to leave already.", i sigh, "not that this place has brought much good to us but—"

ricky chuckles, running a hand through his hair.

"yeah but we'll get to go home...see our friends."

"what about us?", i ask, "we go to completely different schools and live in completely different areas."

"we'll just have to make plans together more often...and facetime everyday."

i smile at him, leaning my head on his shoulder as we continue our walk. as much as i love france, i'm so excited to go back home and see ej and be in my own house again.


ricky and i walk down the hallway, heading for our room. when we arrive, we see a small box at the bottom of the door. i look up at ricky, my brows furrowed.

"what's that?"

he smirks, "just another gift for you."

i crouch down picking up the black box. it has a gold string wrapped around it, tied into a bow on the top.

we walk inside the hotel room and i place it on a table. ricky watches as i open the box, setting the lid down. i take the white tissue paper out of the box, revealing the rainbow beret.

my mouth drops open and i begin to laugh, looking up at ricky.

"you did not!", i chuckle, picking it up.

he grins at me while i place it on top of my head. i begin to model it, moving my head side to side and using my hands to frame my face.

i finally take it off my head, laughing a little. i put it back in the box, soon feeling regret that i haven't gotten him anything. my smile slowly fades from my face and i bite my inner lip while staring at the floor.

ricky's hand comes up to my arm gently, "hey what's wrong?"

i shrug, "i don't know...i just feel bad i haven't gotten you anything."

i finally suck in a breath, lifting my head up. he leans his head down a little so he's eye to eye with me. using his hands to cup my face, he quickly kisses my forehead before clearing his throat.

he shakes his head, "you don't need to get me anything...letting me call you mine is the best gift you could ever give me."

i feel heat rising to my cheeks and i giggle a little, smiling at him. i push myself onto my tippy toes, placing a gentle kiss on his soft lips.

"i love you.", i smile.


ricky's pov; the next morning

it's around 3:30am and i'm finishing up packing away our things in the hotel room. we have to leave at 4am so we can get to the airport in time. lucinda has another private jet taking us home.

i zip up my suitcase and also nini's suitcase, rolling them to the door. i glance around the living room, making sure i got everything before walking into the bedroom. nini's still softly sleeping, buried under the covers.

i walk up next to her, lightly rubbing her arm up and down. i lean my head down, resting my chin on her shoulder.

"baby...we have to leave in 30 minutes.", i quietly say, not trying to startle her.

she groans, pulling the covers over her face and i quietly chuckle.

"neens you gotta get up sweet girl.", i tell her, pulling the covers off of her.

i move her hair off her face, kissing her cheek multiple times until she opens her eyes.

"good morning.", i grin.

she shakes her head with a small and tired laugh, "i'm so tired."

"you can sleep on the jet.", i say, grabbing her hands and pulling her up.

she yawns, rubbing her eyes and stretching her arms out while her legs dangle off the bed. i stand in front of her and she reaches her arms out. i lean down, hugging her tightly, using my hands to rub her back.

"you can even stay in your pajamas.", i chuckle.

i release from the hug and she stands up, heading into the bathroom.

nini's pov

i quickly use the bathroom before washing my hands and running water through my hair to tame the fly aways down. i notice ricky already packed away everything and i let out a breath of relief.

i feel a small smile creeping onto my face. ricky's...just the best.

i exit the bathroom, shutting the light off and finding my shoes by the bed. i slide them on and walk into the living room where ricky's sipping on a water bottle.

"can..i have some?", i ask with a small laugh.

he sarcastically sighs, "i suppose...since i don't want you to die of dehydration."

i playfully roll my eyes at him as he hands me the open bottle. i take a gulp of the ice cold water, swallowing it and letting out a breath.

"agh it's cold.", i complain and he laughs.


ricky and i board the private jet and find two spots towards the middle. he kindly gives me the window seat and i smile, walking in. just like the other one, it's like a whole little bedroom seat.

i get comfy on my seat, pulling the white, fluffy blanket out and putting it over myself. one of the flight attendants brings us a tray of breakfast that has an omelet and bowl of fruit.

the plane begins to move down the runway before eventually it launches into the air and we're flying. ricky and i eat our breakfast while having random conversations.

"you know...ej's gonna totally freak when he finds out we're official.", i chuckle.

he nods, "same with gina. she's been waiting for the moment i get a girlfriend."

i chew on a piece of fruit while a smirk is coming across my face.

"you know...ej could use a girlfriend.", i chuckle, "we should totally set them up."

ricky claps his hands together while laughing, "definitely yes."

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