friend groups

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HEY!! here are the friend groups!!!

nini + ej

nini + ej

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nini and ej have been best friends since kindergarten and ever since have continued to grow closer

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nini and ej have been best friends since kindergarten and ever since have continued to grow closer. ej is practically nini's only friend...and he's quite a close one, therefore he knows about nini's secret. ej's well loved by the school of east high and has become pretty popular since he's the captain of the basketball team. and he talks to everyone. however his best friend is quite the opposite. at school nini can come off as rude and judgmental a lot of the time from problems in the past with meeting new people. she prefers to be independent and keep quiet and observe while her best friend prefers to attract all the attention. and when nini's assigned to a mission, she can let lose and let her brave side show...but deep down she still struggles with new relationships and feeling confident.

ricky + gina

ricky + gina

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gina and ricky met in third grade and quickly became close friends

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gina and ricky met in third grade and quickly became close friends. one thing led to another and then his secret was spilled to her. but it was sort of a blessing because she's there to cover for him now. the two attend a private school and there, ricky and gina are the quite popular duo. they're talkative, fun, and know how to get a crowd going. but when ricky is assigned missions, he tends to get clumsy and can be easily angered, wanting things to go his way and wanting people to follow his plan. gina is an uplifting best friend to ricky...she tries to help with his anger issues and it's...a work in progress to say the least.

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