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HEYY!!! hope u guys r doing great!!!

tomorrow is friday so it's finally the weekend omg. annnd i haven't even watched the new episode yet rip. it's happening tmr tho BSJDHS


after the police gather the evidence, they allow ricky and i to quickly pack away our belongings since we're getting moved to a different room.

i follow closely behind ricky, both of us looking around at the mess of a room. the bedsheets were completely stripped off the bed, pillows thrown on the floor. the bedroom lamp is now lying on the floor, the lightbulb glass cracked. the couch cushions are flipped onto the floor and the drawers are wide open.

"woah...", i breath out, stumbling around fallen objects.

i walk into my bedroom, grabbing my suitcases and quickly packing away my things while ricky does the same in the living room.

my head pops up at a thought pushing through my memories. i rush back into the living room, slightly bringing ricky to the corner since the police are watching carefully.

"where are the weapons and supplies?", i whisper, eyeing the police.

"i left the bag in the car.", he replies and i let out a relived breath.

once we finish packing, both of us roll our suitcases out of the room, holding other bags on our shoulders. the manager of the hotel brings us just down the hall.

"we know you two were in a suite but we deeply apologize for the inconvenience and...harsh news and so we've updated your room to our golden suite for free.", the manager speaks and i raise my brows.

"wow thank you." i smile, nodding my head.

he hands us both a small card which is the room key. ricky lightly presses it against the door handle and the small red light turns green. he pushes through the door and both our eyes widen, our faces lighting up.

"oh my gosh.", ricky chuckles, "this is like an entire apartment."

i look around, walking into the mini kitchen. there's some counter space, along with a full fridge and microwave. the kitchen leads into a living room that has a large 'L' shaped couch with a coffee table and a good sized flatscreen tv.

when you walk through the living room, it leads to a sliding glass door. i slide it open, stepping onto the balcony and feeling the cool autumn breeze flowing through my hair. our view is the hotel pool and it's so pretty.

i come back into the room, locking the sliding door and ricky and i open the double doors which lead to a bedroom.

"wow...a king sized bed.", i chuckle, running my hand over the soft, white comforter.

attached to the bedroom is a master bathroom that has a full on bathtub and shower. the counter space is every girls dream.

"well it's almost 11pm so i think we should get sleep.", ricky suggests and i nod.

we both set our things down and i walk into the bathroom to get ready for bed. just as i'm finishing up, there's a knock on the bathroom door.

"come in", i say.

i watch in the mirror as the door behind me slowly opens. i see the curly haired boy walk inside, a look on his face that's unreadable.

i turn around with a confused face, my brows scrunched as i'm rubbing moisturizer onto my skin.

"what's wrong?", i ask.

"we have a slight problem.", he quietly says.

i tilt my head, waiting for him to continue and tell me.

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