life update!!

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ooookay sooo if you've been reading this story, id like y'all to read this so you kinda- ig know what to expect in the coming days and weeks.

basically tomorrow, wednesday the 10th, is my first day of school. and i'm not usually one to feel calm during the start of school years (rip me) so it gets extremely hectic during this time. so with that being said:

1) updates will possibly be slower than what they have been throughout my summer break.

2) depending on how everything goes, there could be a reason that i need to take a small break just to gather myself

3) i DO have three chapters for sunkissed already written which means i will be able to post those, but it will not be daily.

4) kinda relating to #1 and #3, i know my publishing schedule throughout summer was practically a new chapter every night, but now it might turn into every other day or about two-three times a week.

BUT AGAIN, all this could change depending on how everything goes :)

thank you for understanding and get ready for a chapter tonight :)))


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