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HIII LOVELY PEOPLE!!!! i hope you're all doing amazing!!

if you've made it to this chapter but haven't read the last post about my kinda life update, please do so you stay on the same page as me :)))



"no ricky! we can't do that!", i exclaim, pacing back and forth in the hotel room.

"what are we supposed to do then?", he asks, "it's been two days and we need to get a move on it!"

"two days ago you agreed that we shouldn't go into the room! they can't suspect us this early on...we'll fail the mission.", i argue.

he scoffs, "have you ever thought that maybe we could finish early?"

i cross my arms, finally turning around and looking at him, "yes...i have. but it's better to be safe than sorry. if we fail...the whole world is in danger!"

he lets out a sharp breath, "i don't want to be stuck here with you for months on end because you're too scared to make a move."

my eyes widen and my face scrunches with disbelief.

"bold of you to think i'm scared?", i respond, "maybe you're just stupid and think we can get this done in one night, when in reality it takes time!"

our bickering is stopped when my phone begins to ring. i sigh, picking it up off the couch and seeing the contact.

"great.", i breath out, "just great."

"what?", ricky asks.

"it's the one and only...lucinda.", i sarcastically smile.

"oh please answer it and tell her we've gotten absolutely nowhere because of you.", ricky replies back with sarcasm.

i roll my eyes, turning my back to him as i answer the call. i hold the phone up to my ear, listening to lucinda talk.

"nini we have a problem.", she speaks and i can hear the concern in her voice.

"w-what is it?"

"they've...marked you in the system.", she says and i furrow my brows.

"what does that mean?"

"they're telling everyone to keep an eye on you two. they're already suspicious of you guys.", lucinda tells me and i press my lips together, "where are you progress wise?"

i bite my lip, "well..."


"we haven't been able to find anything out.", i finally confess.

"and why's that?", she asks me and i can tell she's going to get angry.

"ricky and i can't agree on anything and even though we have access to their systems, the files we need are heavily blocked and secured."

i hear her let out a sharp breath on the other line and i flinch a little.

"well you two need to figure things out, put your differences aside, compromise, and find a way to those files. our country is counting on you both.", she talks and then the call hangs up abruptly.

i let my arm drop to my side and i stare down at the floor, thinking through everything. i finally shove my phone in my pocket and whip around to face ricky, setting my hands on my hips.

"okay here's the plan.", i start, "we go in there, try to corrupt the system and find a loophole inside their top secret files. we have blueprints so we're going to find a hidden pathway to the second floor. then we'll find a way to shut the power off so everyone is distracted then we make a run for it into that room."

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