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HEY HEY!!!! i hope you're enjoying this so faaaaar...i promise eventually it will get a lot more interesting

but bro- legit starting school next week goodbye.


it's the next day and i'm officially off school until this mission is complete. and who knows how long that is.

how am i planning to graduate next year?

no idea.

i'm in our basement, lifting weights and doing training. according to lucinda, the people behind this are...dangerous.

even better, am i right?

we have a fake dummy body that i'm punching when my mom walks downstairs. i stop, trying to catch my breath while i listen to her talk.

"lucinda wants you and that ricky kid to meet up today.", she informs.

i groan, rubbing my hands over my face, "fine..."

i climb up the two flights stairs and into my bathroom where i turn the shower on. i quickly rinse off before hopping out and wrapping the towel around me.

walking into my closet, i grab a pair of loose jeans and a white sweater. i quickly change and fix my hair, also doing my make up to make me look semi okay.

i slide shoes on and grab my phone. i walk downstairs and my mom tosses me her car keys. i catch them in my hands, smiling at her.

"where am i even going?", i ask just as i'm about to open the front door.

"the park.", she smiles, "have fun?"

i shrug and exit the house, getting into her car. i start the engine up and connect my phone to the aux. i blast taylor swift as i pull out of the driveway and begin driving towards the local park.

when i pull into the parking lot, i search for an empty spot. finding one next to a red jeep, i pull in and shut the engine off. i suck in a deep breath and try to calm myself down.

i get out of the car and walk around to head to the entrance. i jump back when i see the boy getting out of the red jeep, walking around the side as well.

i chuckle a little, "well hello."

"oh- hey", he smiles.

his smile.

"we can...take a walk?", i awkwardly say, pointing to a trail.

he nods his head and we both walk towards it. the silence continues to grow louder while we both avoid contact with one another.

"so uh- do you go to east high?", i break the silence, "i haven't seen you before."

he shakes his head, "i go to salt lake private."

i raise my brows, nodding my head, "how is it?"

he shrugs, "it's fine i guess. you?"

"i'm a wildcat.", i inform, awkwardly raising my hands in the air.

he chuckles a little and we begin strolling through the park. the sun is brightly shining and there's a cool breeze running through the trees.

we arrive at a small lake, taking a seat at an empty picnic table.

"so you're the second best at the agency?"

he nods with a shrug, "i have no idea how but..."

i giggle a little, staring out at the reflection in the lake, "i can't believe we're going to france."

he shakes his head, "me neither..."

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