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HELLLOOOO!!!!!! hope ur all doing great!!!

again, i'd probably say something abt this chapter but i wrote and edited this a long time ago- AND I JUST GOT BACK FROM A CONCERT...so my mind is a lil cray cray but anyways


my eyes blink open and i sit up right. the sun is shining through the curtains in the hotel room. i hear the tv faintly playing in the living room. i yawn, stretching my arms out and grabbing my phone.

it's 7:30 in the morning and i'm exhausted from yesterday. i check my e-mails on my phone and see an email from lucinda. i open it, my eyes scanning the message all the way to the bottom.

i guess today starts the actual mission.

i dangle my feet off the bed, yawning once more before hopping off. i use the bathroom quickly and brush my hair, then walk out into the living room.

i see ricky sitting on the couch, watching the news. i slightly smile at him and he returns the gesture, moving over on the couch so i can sit.

"good morning.", i yawn.

he chuckles, "morning. did you sleep okay?"

i shrug, "guess so...did you? i feel bad you slept on the couch."

he shakes his head, "it was okay. did you see the e-mail?"

i nod my head, "so we basically have to...find a way into that building? what even is it?"

"apparently it's kinda like our agency. top secret things...important but dangerous people...all that.", he explains and i bite on my lower lip as i begin thinking through everything.

in the e-mail, lucinda included a whole ton of things. basically an entirely different identity for each of us.

"what's your name?", i laugh.

"jason.", he cringes, "you?"

"maddie.", i chuckle, "so when are we planning to-"

"no idea.", he cuts me off and i begin laughing.

"we're going to fail this so badly.", i cackle.

our laughing is interrupted by a knock on the door. i look over to ricky and he cautiously stands up, walking towards the door.

he turns back to me, mouthing a bunch of words i don't understand. i'm furrowing my brows and shrugging my shoulders, mouthing words back.

"should i open it!", he finally whisper-shouts.

i roll my eyes and stand up, walking to him.

"of course you should open it doofus!", i whisper, smacking his arm lightly.

i place my hand on the door handle, sucking in a breath before swinging the door open. in front of us is a rolling cart with two plates, dome covers on top.

i step into the hall, looking both ways before carefully pulling the cart into the room. i roll it into the living room while ricky locks the door.

"um...", i breath out.

ricky walks up and removes the tops on the plates, revealing two plates of crepes.

"breakfast?", i question.

i notice him staring down at something and i look up and back down, up and down.

he shakes his head, letting a breath out, "not just breakfast."

"what is it?", i nervously ask.

he picks up a small card from under one of the plates, holding it in his hands.

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