//26//:Supposed couples

Start from the beginning

"Harisa and Arianna have gone already?" I questioned, trying to make a conversation but he ignored me. I know I was asking an obviously useless question but still, being humane for a minute wouldn't hurt, would it?

His sisters were to be bringing food for the first week. At least I get to see them.

"What?" The way he was staring could make one choke on his meal, very disturbing. The French toast casserole was stuffed in my mouth as I awaited his response.

"You eat in an unladylike manner." He shrugged, taking a glass of warm milk to digest the toast. A lot of people talk about how I eat but no one has ever said it in that manner. You know, rude. What does he even mean by unladylike? I wonder how his family tolerates his cold attitude.

I scoffed, "It's my breakfast, not yours, okay? So how I devour my ailment is non of your business!" He averted his hot and intense gaze towards me. I dug into my food, looking anywhere but his face. I could feel the hot glare from afar.

Cut it out Jerkilace.

Suddenly, I inhaled the scent of raspberries. How? In the morning I had checked the fridge but they weren't any fruit in there then where else could the fragrance be coming from? My eyes landed on his fork. Boom. It was the very last piece of Raspberry pain au chocolate. This wicked man, how can he be so selfish and not save me a piece. I'm almost a hundred percent sure that his sisters made it specifically for me.

Tiptoeing, due to the fact that he was at the other end and I wasn't so tall, I used my fork to snatch it away from his plate. I pushed it inside my mouth munching in bliss. It was so good.

"What is wrong with you?" He seethed,his glare hot as ever. This time, he dropped his phone, his attention was entirely on me. Oh so now you drop the phone?

"You are so selfish. You didn't even leave a piece of it for me. Don't you know how addicted to raspberries I am? How could I have possibly allowed you to eat it all alone?" I muttered slowly as I munched on the piece. I mentally face palmed myself for how childish I sounded right now. I have this bizarre way of batting my eyelashes when eating raspberries. I don't know how it happens though but I sure do know it's hella bizarre.

"Unbelievable!" He spat as he shook his head. He pushed his chair back, walked to drop his plate and glass cup in the sink, rinsed his hands then walked out of the house. I couldn't even say a word, I just quietly sat there like a lost puppy.

He's on his own, I don't care whether he gets run over by a car. I really don't. In fact, he should get run over, that way I could blithely watch him suffer from the numerous stitches he'll receive from the very wicked nurse.

What am I even supposed to do in this huge house all alone?

"Good day Mrs Khaleed, I'm the senior maid." A tall lady donned in a white and black dress uttered as she stepped inside the house from the back door.

"Well hi, how are you doing?" I politely asked with a smile.

"I'm good. Would you like to meet all the staff workers today or would you like to some other time?" She questioned.

"I'm extremely bored so yeah, I'd love to." I rose to my feet and followed her to the backyard. They were six maids, a chef, a gardener, a gateman and a lawn mower. I was glad to see that they were a few number of staffs seeing as I don't really like it when they are a lot. I talked to them for a while and without a doubt, I'm sure they love me already. At least they kept me company for a while.


I was about to jump on my bed when I heard a roaring sound of a car engine. It was Jerkilace. He magically decided to return home after being away the whole day without even informing me about his whereabouts. What a nice husband he is.

Like you weren't the one wishing he'd get run over.

Please, he should have. I don't care. I moseyed downstairs to confront him of course. What? You didn't think I'll let it slide did you? Nope.

"Where were you all day? You didn't even inform me you were going out talk more of calling to say you'd stay out late? It's past twelve in the morning, do you think it's the appropriate time to come home? Huh?" I ran down with my questions as I narrowed my siren eyes at him. He kept a blank expression, stepping forward, as he stared down at me. I swallowed a huge gulp down keeping a confident facade.

"Are you an FBI agent?"

"I-I don't..."

"Are you a reporter?"

"No." I replied with a bit of confidence which I honestly don't know where it came from but I'm glad it did.

"Look, this whole act you're trying to put up, a perfect and caring wife of some sort, don't. I repeat don't. It doesn't even suit you. Next time, don't poke your nose into my business! Staying with you is already suffocating so just avoid me. Stop trying to form conversations or anything. Just leave me the fuck alone!" He yelled down at me. My heart was slamming itself hardly against my rib cage. I flickered my eyes to enable me to breathe properly.

With a loud hiss, he pushed pass my small figure as he walked upstairs to his man-cave. I wasn't letting this slide. He might have screamed at me like an unwanted object but it wasn't a new thing to me. I'm used to this treatment from my family so I'm getting really used to it for it to affect me that much. Yes, it hurt. It does. But not as much as it use to years back.

What could I have expected? My whole family are used to this attitude of coming back late at night without informing anyone of there whereabouts. It was a habit they all exhibited but I chose not inherit it.

In most homes, they are usually curfews for everyone. But in my parent's home, nothing as such exists. Everyone is too busy traveling around the world, making money here and there, living there own lives to care about whether one person is coming back home or not.

I dragged him by his shirt in order for him to face me properly. "Look here. It was a circumstance that made us get married. You think I wanted this piece of crap thing called marriage? Heck no! I did it for him and only him. So you had better get a good check on your attitude!" I bellowed, keeping a hard expression as my eyes met his.

He squeezed my hands slowly taking it off of his designer shirt. I might have to apply some ointments on them. "I told you to stop talking to me, didn't I?" His deep voice collided with my intense gaze as he took a step forward. I took another step closer to him.

Trying to intimidate me? Pfft! Try harder, Jerkilace.

"I'm not going to stop talking to you. Not now, not ever. You know why? Because I'm Sabrina, and I do what I want to do." I walked to my room and slammed the door hard.


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