We began talking things out slowly, and I suppose that was really when it hit me that he sees me. He's always seen me. He asked me why, gave me his guesses, and I confirmed them. Then he showed me some of his muggle inventions. They were truly quite fascinating. He gave me some of those little sticky papers. Post its? And then a pink pen, my favorite color. We shared some laughs, it was very unexpected, but nice.

He walked me out of the carriage so that we didn't have to face Hogwarts alone. Protected me from a flying piece of parchment," Draco continued with a snort. "I thought that was the end of it, you know? I navigated the castle alone for the first few weeks, trying to make sense of my new reality. None of my friends came back to Hogwarts you see. Potter came back to the tower one day and found me furiously pacing and bleeding. Then I met this pretty boy over here," Draco cooed, scratching Felix between the ears, "and everything changed.

We kept talking, kept meeting up. I promised Potter that I would have his back because I knew he had mine. Then Felix took a liking to me, and here we are.

For some unbeknownst reason Potter decided to trust me, and I do not take that lightly. After all that happened, he was still able to see the good in me that I wasn't even sure still existed. Do not misconstrue my words. I've changed for me, not for him or anyone else, but his support gives me hope that maybe one day others will see that I've changed too."

"Excellent Draco, this complete honesty is all that I ask for. Your telling of events matches up closely with Harry's, and it's nice to get the opposite perspective to be able to see the full picture. I apologize if my methods seemed too harsh straight from the get-go, but this is always how I begin with my patients."

"Believe me, I've been on the receiving end of worse questions."

"That is something we will unpack in time, if you so choose. For today, I'm quite interested in your relationship with Harry, and subsequently Felix."

"Harry and I are good friends, and Felix appears to have taken quite a liking to me. I'm not sure why, if I'm honest. He's able to pick up on my emotions similar to the way he does with Harry."

"Tell me Harry, does Felix behave this way with anyone else? Ron or Hermione for instance?"

"No, but to be honest we haven't been around them very much. He does pick up on a few things with Luna, but in different ways. She takes him hunting for magical creatures so they've bonded in that regard, but nothing emotionally."

"So you would say you spend most of your time with Draco?"

"I would, yes."

"Interesting," she murmured, scribbling down some notes. "Tell me Draco, what was your first encounter with Felix?"

"After Potter dragged me into his room when some younger students broke my nose. He sensed I was upset and came over to comfort me."

"So Felix initiated the initial contact, not yourself?"

"That would be correct," Draco confirmed, rubbing his hand along Felix's back. "I told Potter my injury was nothing and Felix immediately knew I was lying and nipped at my hand. Potter told me that Felix was magically bound to him and his magic, and that's what confuses me about the whole exchange. If he's sensitive to other people and their magic, shouldn't he have avoided me?"

"Theoretically, yes. From what I've gathered, and stop me if I'm overstepping, but you and Harry have similar trauma correct?"

"I would say so, yes," Harry agreed, already knowing where this conversation was going.

"Felix latched on to me because I've gone through similar experiences to Potter?," Draco asked in confusion.

"Amongst other things that will make themselves known in due time. I can't be quite sure at this stage, and that's something for the both of you to figure out.

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