"What I have is more than enough. He's the best friend I could have asked for, you know? Even when I don't understand something, he never makes me feel stupid. He's patient with me, and he actually likes spending time with me.

I never thought I could be happy again, but he makes me laugh and we have jokes that only the two of us know. We can sit side by side and we don't even have to say anything. He also has the sweetest dog and he lets me accompany them on walks together. It's quite nice."

"You really do look much better than the last time I saw you, Draco. I'd be delighted to host Mr. Potter."

"I told him I'd show him the gardens, he loves plants. I also said if it was alright with you, we could comb through the books in the library for information about the Potters. He wants to learn about his bloodline and its history."

"I'll begin searching once you return to school. I could use a project to occupy my time, and I think this may be it."

As Draco seemingly only talked about Harry, Harry found himself doing the same during his session with his healer.

"You said you had a lot to talk about Harry, and requested an emergency longer session?"

"I do. In your professional opinion, am I actually improving?"

"Yes, you are. But I must ask what brought this on. Are you experiencing self-doubt?"

He filled her in on what Hermione said, fidgeting with his tea cup.

"Before addressing that, I have a request. I'd like you to bring Felix to the next session. You mentioned earlier about your friend getting on with Felix quite well. If they're not opposed to it, I'd like to see the interaction between the three of you next session."

"I'll ask him, but I make no promises," Harry replied, running a hand through his hand. "He's very strong-willed and opinionated. I gave him your contact information actually in case he decided he wanted some solo sessions."

"This relationship has been moving in a positive direction then?"

"Oh yeah. Other than Felix, he's the best thing that I have. I told you that there were some minor issues with Ron and Hermione in past sessions, but with everything she said a few days ago, I can't get it out of my head. Am I the problem?"

"Has your new friend raised any concerns about any of your behaviors?," she asked, one eyebrow raised as she took notes.

"No, he hasn't. He told me I was the least selfish person he knew and that's why I'm feeling like this. I put everyone else before myself, and when I finally put myself first and someone doesn't like it I shut down."

"And this started because you both weren't feeling well and he suggested you miss classes for a mental health day, correct?"


"I think your friend would make a good healer. He seems to be someone that you would want in your corner."

"He's the only reason I haven't left Hogwarts yet. All of the stares kind of fade away when we're together. They don't matter because he's there to make me laugh or help me with class work or just sit in silence. It's never awkward either. I don't have to hide anything around him. It's just so refreshing," Harry continued honestly, a small smile on his face.

"Do you have similar conversations with him?"


"Your past. Your thoughts, feelings, emotions? Nightmares perhaps? Or even your 'troubled past' as you described it?"

"We haven't touched on the past very much yet. What we have now feels so fragile, I want to strengthen that before we shake the foundation."

"That's understandable from what little you've told me about that."

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