Ryan smiled and took her hand, leading her out to the driveway. "With my promotion, comes a substantial raise. So. I came home after I passed, got the explorer, cleaned it out and I've been at the dealership getting us that," he explained as he pointed to the new "just in case" car.

"What?" Lacey looked at him, a little shocked that he went out and bought something without her

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"What?" Lacey looked at him, a little shocked that he went out and bought something without her.

"It's only a 2017, so it's a few years old. Payments are lower than you think, and we can use it for vacations too. It only has 26 thousand miles and it's safe for the girls. You've been wanting to get that Explorer out of here for years, we need something that you feel safe in with the kids,"

"I can't believe you did this," she chuckled, walking closer to the car.

"It's perfect, thank you,"


A few weeks later, the promotion had gone through and it was finally the day of the ceremony. The Davis household was in full chaos mode, as per usual.

"Riley Anne get back here!" Lacey yelled, chasing the child around the ground floor of the house. Riley giggled as she ran, running right into Ryan's legs.

"You better let mommy get you dressed," Ryan said as Riley looked up at him.

"Will you go get Lyla changed? She already took a bath this morning with Ri. Her outfit is on her dresser," Lacey asked, finally able to get Riley in her cute little leggings.

"Yes. I put your dress down on the bed," he said, kissing her cheek before going up to get Lyla dressed.

"Thank god I get to be a wife instead of a cop today," she chuckled to herself while she put Riley's shirt on. She had gone shopping for the 3 of them, getting Riley a cute outfit that said: "My Hero Wears a Badge" with a cute tutu, Lyla got a onesie that simply said "Proud Daughter Of a Police Sergeant" and Lacey got a simple black dress.

After getting Riley set and occupied by the TV and Paw Patrol, she went up to her and Ryan's bathroom and got ready. She curled her hair and pulled half of it up before doing a little makeup.

"Lace you almost ready?" Ryan called from downstairs, getting Riley one final sippy cup of apple juice before he got Lyla her bottle.

"Yeah, just gotta get my shoes. Are my black heels down there?" She called back, waiting for an answer.

"Yeah. By the door!"

Once she got downstairs, she slipped into the black pumps, grabbing her purse and the diaper bag before they headed out to Ryan's truck. Each parent buckled one kid in before getting in themselves and heading off to the ivory tower.

Jay and Hailey came with Camden, Will and Emily came with Nathan, Jamie, and Katie as well as the rest of the Narcotics unit. Kim and Adam were coming with Makayla as well as Kevin as they'd worked with Ryan before and Lacey was part of their family. Jake and his wife were both there as well, helping with the kids as Lacey was next to her husband.

Within the hour, Ryan was sergeant of narcotics and the whole family was at Molly's, celebrating. They obviously kept it kid friendly as they celebrated Ryan's promotion.

"I haven't gotten a chance to see you at all," Lacey said as she sat across from Hailey. "How you feeling?"

"Better. Desk duty but finally out of the house so, that's a win I guess,"

"Don't get shot again please,"

"Oh yeah. I'll do my best. It's him you have to worry about," Hailey joked as Jay came up and stood behind her.

"Worry about what?" He asked, making both of the women chuckle.

"We were talking about you and your lovely run-ins with danger," Lacey chuckled, sipping her drink as Will joined them too.

"You and him," Will started, pointing at his 2 siblings, "are bad enough. Hailey, I'm begging you, don't join them,"

"Hey. No. I haven't been shot, knock on wood. I've just been beaten up and had my car flipped on me. He's the one that's a bullet magnet," Lacey chuckled, taking Riley from her husband, "who's got Ly?"


"Of course he does," she chuckled, glancing over at her partner who was holding her little baby. "He's definitely uncle Kev,"

"I'd say we got a pretty good support system," Ryan chuckled.

"Yes we do," Lacey grinned, leaning against him.

They spent most of the evening at the little bar, leaving as Lyla and Riley started to get fussy. Both fell asleep in the truck, leaving the parents to take one in each.

Both of them met back up in their bedroom, set the baby monitors on their nightstands, and got settled in for the night.

"I'm so proud of you," Lacey smiled, lacing their fingers together.

"You and those babies are the reason I do it. And I couldn't do it without you Lacey,"

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