Chapter 5 (MODIFIED)

Start from the beginning

During his extended period of waiting, he remained in a meditative state with his eyes closed. It was then he started to see something play out in his mind. He wasn't sure what it was and he assumed it was a daydream but there was more to it than just that. He remembered his son's words from the previous night: "I like it when you tell me about the Hellwalker, father, it makes me feel safe." Following this, a violent series of flashing images surged through his mind as he witnessed a tall warrior clad in green armor wielding a crimson-red blade piercing the skull of an enormous titan-like demon.

The images made him snap back to reality, his eyes shooting open. His daughters looked up to him with concern on their face as they asked, "Is something the matter, father?" The young man smiles and tightens his grip on his children's hands. He explains to them, "It's nothing, my children, I was simply daydreaming."

"That's unlike you, father." The comment receiving a slight chuckle from the young man as he responds, "I suppose so. It might just be the sickness, don't worry." Or was it? He pondered on what it was he just saw and if it'll affect today's proceedings.






The demon slayers travelled by foot for several hours before arriving at the headquarters by daytime. Upon arriving, Shinobu requested that Inosuke remain at the infirmary to recover his strength. By that point, he was feeling weak and had no other choice. However, Tanjiro wasn't let off the hook and was still needed. Fortunately, they were allowed to drop off Nezuko so they can deal with what happens next. The Slayer proceeds to carry Tanjiro by his haori like some sort of suitcase as the boy was suspended in the air by his clothing.

After following the two Hashiras, he was taken to a massive garden in front of a mansion. The garden had a gravel pathway leading across the entire area. There were several trees sprawled throughout with a large pool of water occupying the center of the garden. There were five other individuals patiently waiting in a line next to one another. Another one was laying in the trees with a bird's eye view of the whole area. All of these individuals were Hashira, the highest ranking swordsmen in the Demon Slayer Corps.

Tanjiro began to wake up, wincing in pain as he noticed he was being held by his haori. Despite this, he adjusts to the sunlight and looks around. He asks, "Where are we?"

Shinobu answers, "We're at the Demon Slayers' headquarters, and you'll both be facing trial."

Nope, that's where the Slayer crosses the line. He's here to get information, not to get interrogated. He turns the opposite direction and begins to walk away. Tanjiro felt embarrassed as he felt so rude completely dismissing other people like that. He has no control right now as he's being carried like a suitcase by the Slayer.

The individual resting on the tree drops down in front of the Slayer, getting in his way as he coldy states, "Just where do you think you're going?" It was a young man with straight, shoulder-length black hair with his right eye being yellow and the other, green. He wears a mask over his mouth and wears a black & white-striped haori similar to his peers. Lastly, he has a small, white snake loosely wrapped around his neck.

The Slayer used his free hand to shove the man aside while continuing forward. This act surprised all of the individuals there, the man who was just pushed taking offense to this as he zoomed towards the Slayer. However, the warrior's reflexes were much quicker as he spun around to face the Hashira. Both individuals stopped when the Slayer's fist was mere inches away from making contact. This quick maneuver caused Tanjiro to be flung from his haori and crash into the gravel.

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