Chapter 2 (REMASTERED)

Start from the beginning

"I'm going in, Zenitsu." Tanjiro rushed toward Mount Natagumo, leaving Zenitsu all by himself in the open.






The Slayer rushed through the forest at blinding speeds, he weaved around the trees that threatened to smash into him but his reflexes were lightning quick. He could feel the excitement grow within his body as he couldn't help but anticipate demonic slaughter. He slid to a stop once he passed by a young boy crawling across the ground. The boy wore the same uniform that Tanjiro and Zenitsu did underneath their haoris and had short, black hair. He was bloodied and bruised as he used his sword to drag himself forward. The Slayer crouched down next to the child to catch his attention. The boy was intimidated by the Slayer's appearance but he managed to mutter, "A-a-are you a demon slayer...?"

The warrior said nothing in response as he assessed the boy's injuries. Whatever is in this forest nearly killed him. The boy continued, "Please, you gotta help me! I was sent along with several other boys and once we got here, we-" The boy was cut off by something that tried to yank him away. The Doom Slayer could see several white lines as thin as a string form before going taut and ripping the boy back. The Slayer was fast enough to grab the boy before he was taken away and extend his doom blade to sever the thin strings and release the boy. "I-it's no use. The strings will reattach anyways, you need to get out of here before they take you too! That's how the demons killed us, they used these strings to manipulate our bodies and make us turn against each other!"

A demon manipulating strings? That's new but this didn't concern the Slayer as he looked into the forest and used his suit to give him a visual outline of everything surrounding him. As he looked around, he was able to detect a system of webs above him, covering the tree branches above. The webs were angled as if they were stemming from a focal point. His suit quickly calculated the angle of the webs and was able to pinpoint a focal point quite a distance away from where he was at. No matter, he was going to get to the bottom of this as he stood up and bolted towards the direction of the focal point with his doom blade extended.

Deep within the forest was the demon manipulating the strings. Unlike the demons the Slayer has encountered in the past, this one was more feminine in nature. She has a human-like physique but possesses pale-white skin with long hair and matching robes. Dotting her body were red circles connected in a pattern. Sitting atop a rock, wide-eyed from what she just sensed from her strings, she looked towards the origin of the disturbance and wondered what could be approaching her at such ridiculous speeds. She quickly got to work, doing her best to manipulate as many puppets as she could to prevent herself from being discovered. However, it was too late.

She heard rapid footsteps from the direction she was facing and with no time to react, emerged a large being clad in green armor. It was fast, too fast, and before she knew it, her face was pummeled in by the man as it was launched into a nearby tree and exploded like a tomato.

The Slayer stood tall, turning behind him to see the remaining lower half of the demon collapse to the floor. To say the slayer was underwhelmed would be an understatement. This is what constitutes a demon in this dimension? It was weaker than your average imp. His thoughts wandered back to the Dark Lord as he questioned why he would bother sending the Slayer to a dimension with weaker demons. Even worse, if this one demon was able to kill so many humans without trouble, it would only take a couple imps to wipe out the human population on this planet.

He began walking away, satisfied with his work for the day until he heard a woman's voice call out from behind him, "You bastard, how dare you desecrate me like that!" The warrior whipped around to see the demon with a newly-regenerated head. "I'll unleash my strongest puppet on you, you don't stand a chance!" She began manipulating the strings tied around her fingers but she was a fool to think that the warrior would sit idly by and allow her to do this. She couldn't process the Doom Slayer lunging towards her and smashing his fist into her body, blasting it apart as her blood sprayed all over the fresh, green grass.

He whipped around and noticed the demon start to regenerate right away. Before the Slayer had a chance to react, Inosuke emerged from the darkness while shouting, "THERE YOU ARE! THIS ONE'S ALL MINE!" Inosuke leapt towards the demon who had finished regenerating by then and scrambled to get out of the way. However, the Slayer was significantly faster than her as he grabbed her by the head and forced it into the rock she proudly sat on, destroying both it and her head. He planted his foot on her torso before ripping out her legs with ease and disintegrating the rest of her body with a single blow.

Inosuke landed on the ground, disgusted by what he just witnessed the Slayer do before cursing him out, "What the hell are you doing?! You're supposed to decapitate her, jackass!" The warrior gave the boar-headed boy a bewildered expression as he was confused how decapitation does the trick but destroying every part of the body doesn't. The demon began regenerating once more which forced Inosuke to take initiative as he charged forward and exclaimed to the Doom Slayer, "Let me show you how to kill a demon! Beast Breathing: Second Fang, Slice!" The second the head had regenerated, Inosuke sliced it off with his twin serrated blades. With the head removed, the demon began disintegrating like a vampire in the sun. It's body was reduced to dust and blew away once the wind kicked in.

Inosuke got up and angrily jabbed his finger at the Doom Slayer as he scolded, "Some demon slayer you are! You don't even know how to kill a demon! Don't try to act all tough around me when you don't even have one of these!" Inosuke showcased his twin serrated blades, weapons he was very proud of and treasured for their ability to kill demons.

So, the demons of this dimension had a specific immunity to swords? Interesting, if that's the case, he'll just adapt to the threat as he always has. He grabbed one of Inosuke's blades before walking off in a different direction. Inosuke was frozen due to shock, he looked as if he had just received the biggest insult in his life. He exploded with rage as he threw himself at the Slayer, wrapping himself around the warrior's arm as he tried to pry the Doom Slayer's hand open. However, the warrior paid the boy no attention as he inspected the craftsmanship of the blade. Just what about it allowed the sword to kill the demons of this dimension when his doom blade couldn't?

"LET GO, ASSHOLE! I NEED MY SWORD TO KILL THE OTHER DEMONS HERE!" The Slayer stopped and looked at Inosuke who began pointlessly clawing at the warrior's visor like a child. There were more demons in this forest? Then it seems the Slayer's work was not done here, it was time to rip and tear in this new dimension.






Tanjiro carefully walked around the forest, blade drawn as he was left by himself. Inosuke and the mysterious stranger had already run ahead which left the entire group separated. He was concerned but he wasn't sure if he was fearful of his life or the others. He continued walking around until he stumbled upon an open area with a small, pale demon standing in the center of it, gazing up at the sky. The demon took notice of Tanjiro's presence and turned to face him. The demon was a child with curly, yet pointy, white hair and similar covered robes. He had red dots covering parts of his body. The demon pointed his hand towards Tanjiro before muttering, "Another pathetic demon slayer's come to invade my family's territory. Don't worry, I'll make this quick."

Tanjiro was flabbergasted by the child's comment, it was inconceivable for a demon to have a family. However, none of that mattered now as he assumed his fighting stance and called out to the demon in front of him, "I'm going to stop you from killing more of my comrades!" before leaping towards the demon and engaging in combat.

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