Class Trial #6: The Ultimate Supergenius

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(3rd Person's POV)

Junko: (Punk Rock persona) One person's despair is enough to seal your fate. Isn't that just the most hopeless outcome ever!? (Goes into her kawaii persona) So who do you think's gonna give in? Whose despair is gonna sign your death warrant!?

Makoto: ...

The lucky student put his head down for a moment, looking to be in deep contemplation. Soon, however, he raised his head up, eyebrows furrowing as his as shined with defiance and determination.

Makoto: No one... Nobody's gonna give in to despair! We're not gonna lose to you!

And once again, Junko's face fell completely flat.

Junko: (Sighs) ...So boring. Stubborn till the very end, huh? Well, that's fine. Then let's just hurry up and get it over with. It's time for the final vote. Everything will come to an end. Your stupid hope... And your stupid life!


Both Makoto and Junko whipped their heads to see Sora. Her face was as bored and neutral as it ever was, but it was clear that she was hiding some negative emotions behind her semi-stoic mask.

Makoto: S-Shirayuki...?

Junko: (Monokuma persona) Puhuhuhu...! Well now! You've been pretty quiet lately. Have you succumbed to despair already?!

Sora: (Her eye twitches) ...I have just one question for you.

Sora closed her eyes briefly before quickly opening them.

Sora: ...Who's the third despair?

That question caused the entire room to pause with silence. A sudden wind blew in as the current breezed through the students hair. Even the others who were having a mental crisis lifted their heads up.

Makoto: H-Huh...?

Byakuya: Shirayuki, what did you just say? A third despair...?

Hiro: W-What are you talkin' about...?

Junko: (Teacher persona) Yes, I'm well inclined to agree. What, exactly, are you talking about, Ms. Shirayuki?

Sora: Don't play dumb with me. You know exactly what I'm talking about.



Makoto: A third despair...? What do you mean by that, Shirayuki?

Junko: (Menacing persona) Has the despair driven you mad already? Are you becoming delusional

Hina: Wasn't there only two despairs in the school...?

Kyoko: And if there's not, what proof is there to support it?

Sora's Truth Bullet: Locker Pocket Book



Sora: No, I'm not going crazy. I have solid proof that there's more than two despairs!

Junko: (Royal persona) Oh? And what, pray tell, is that? Enlighten us, peasant!

 Sora: Kiri, can you hand me your pocketbook for a second?

Kyoko: (Looks slightly surprised before slowly nodding) ...Of course. Though, I'm not sure why would you need it...

The detective gave the blonde her pocketbook. Giving her a small nod in thanks, Sora showed the pocketbook for everyone to see.

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