Chapter 7: The Investigation Preparation

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(3rd Person POV)

Walking through the hallway, Sora took out her Monokuma File. "Let's see.."

Victim: Sayaka Maizono

Time Of Death: About 1:30 A.M.

Cause Of Death: Stab to the Abdomen

Other Notes: The victim suffered a fracture to her right wrist

The blonde nods as she takes all this information in. Somehow...she has to figure it out!

Truth Bullet: Monokuma File

Sighing, she closed the file and sighed as she gets closer to her destination. She stopped and found herself at Makoto's dorm room. She won't make any sufficient progress without investigation the scene of the crime.

Opening the door, Sora went into the lucky student's room, where Sayaka's corpse still remained. As she analyzed the state of the room, a chill went down her spine, though it quickly disappeared as she frowned.

Now...what happened here...?

Sora went over to a gold sword the was sitting on the floor. It looked like one of those replica swords near the trophy room. Maybe it was used in the attack somehow? It looks like it's been taken out of its sheath.

Also, some of the gold seems to have come off, so Sora assumes that it's gold coating. The handle especially has some of the coating missing.

Truth Bullet: Replica Sword

So this means that the sword was used in the attack. Sora thought. But...who used it? Sayaka, or the killer?

Sora looked around the room as she saw scratches and gouges on the walls and bed. Soon, Makoto walked next to her and took a look at them as well.

"Is this evidence of a struggle...?" Makoto asked. Sora nodded. Looks like it... "Dammit! I was right there in the other room! If only I'd heard something!"

"That would not have been possible." Sakura spoke up as she shook her head.

"Huh?" Makoto looked at her.

"Don't you remember? All of our rooms are completely soundproof." Sakura reminded him. "So something could happen in the room right next to you, and there's no way you could know." She said as Sora nodded in agreement. "Perhaps this was another of Monokuma's strategies, creating an ideal setting for murder."


Truth Bullet: Evidence Of A Struggle

After that, Sora's gaze then wavered to the other part of the replica sword: the sheath. But...

...There are some scratches on it... How did it end up like that in the first place...? If you're going to attack someone, it's only common sense to remove the sword-holding thingie. Something as heavy as this would only end up getting in the way. So why are there scratches on it...?

Truth Bullet: Replica Sword Sheath

Sora saw Makoto go to his drawer where he looked at his toolkit. From what she can see, there isn't any evidence that it was used at all.

Turns out Makoto was thinking the same thing.

"Which makes sense, I guess. I mean, it's mine, and I haven't had any reason to open it." Makoto said. "I can't even imagine a situation where I'd need a toolkit like this."

"Yeah, seriously!" Mondo exclaimed.

"Oh, Owada..."

"We ain't exactly in the mood to be buildin' fuckin' furniture, right?" Mondo said, putting one of his hands on his head.

Ultimate Life Or Death Despair Game (Danganronpa THH X Fem! OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang