Chapter 4: The Motive

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(3rd Person's POV)


"Good morning, everyone! It is now 7 a.m. and nighttime is officially over! Time to rise and shine! Get ready to greet another beee-yutiful day!"

"Mmmph..." Sora groaned as she woke up to the ear-wrenching sound of Monokuma's voice. After lifting her body up, she fell unto the floor. "Uwah!"

Right... I feel asleep upside-down... Sora thought as she sighed again in her head. Picking herself up, she sluggishly went inside the bathroom and did her morning ritual. After a few minutes, steam came out the door and Sora had her clothes on.

I can't believe it's been four days since I got in this bloody place... Sora thought. And indeed, it has been four days since Sora's imprisonment at Hope's Peak Academy. So far, there had been no updates on any escape routes. Well, not that Sora believed there was one anyway.

"I dunno why...but I feel like somethin' excitin's gonna happen..." Sora said, and as soon as those words left her lips...


The sound of the doorbell forced its way into her room.

Sora sighed. Who the hell is that? And in the beginnin' of the morning...?

Yawning again, Sora walked to the front of the room and opened the door, where she found Taka with a proud smile on his face.

"A fantastic morning, isn't it!?" He said.

Sora raised an eyebrow. "What're you-"

"Now then, if you'll pardon the interruption!" Taka said, and without even waiting for a replay, he barged into Sora's room.

"...What do you want?" Sora asked, straight to the point.

"No matter how intensely the stormy seas may batter me, I will not fall as long as my feet are firmly planted!" Taka randomly said, like he was quoting something. "...You agree, right?"

"What." Sora deadpanned.

"And if you can't do it alone, just find someone to support you, and you can support them back! That's how you can overcome any storm!" Taka yelled, raising his fist in determination.

"That was really...inspiring, but why did you tell me that, exactly?" Sora raised an eyebrow.

"I was thinking about it last night, and...I decided we all need to really come together." Taka told her. "And that was when I realized... Every morning from now on, after the morning announcement, everyone should have breakfast together!"

...WHAT?! Sora yelled in her head. She spent enough time with these weirdos already, now she has to be around them every morning?!

"And now is the beginning of that fateful day! Please head to the dining hall at your earliest convenience!" Taka requested. "That's all for now! I have to go let everyone else know the good news!"

"Hey, wait! I didn't consent to this!" Sora yelled, but it was too late. By the time she processed and responded to Taka's words, he was already gone. Most likely to tell everyone the "good news".

"...Good grief." Sora muttered. With a relenting groan, she went out of her room. If she just stays in there, Taka will probably go bother her again, so she might as well go...

As Sora made her way to the dining hall, she made some quick glances to see some of the other students in the hallways. Some more...irritated than others.

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