Chapter 3: The Daily Life

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A/N: This is a filler episode. Nothing of note actually happens here. I'll go back to the main story after this chapter.

(3rd Person's P.O.V.)


"Good morning, everyone!" Monokuma chirped on Sora's monitor. "It is now 7 a.m. and nighttime is officially over! Time to rise and shine! Get ready to greet another beee-yutiful day!"

Sora groaned as the monitor turned off. Lazily opening her eyes, she yawned. Apparently it's morning, but due to the bolted windows, she can't exactly confirm that.

She got out of bed and headed to the bathroom.


As Sora was done taking a shower(which only took five minutes, by the way), she held the towel wrapped around her short, but curvaceous body. She looked in the mirror and admired herself before putting on her clothes.

Now what do I do...? Sora thought. She sighed. She might as well see what everyone else is doing. Not like she has anything better to do...


Stepping outside her room, Sora found herself in front of Taka.

"Good morning, Shirayuki!" He greeted with his usual booming voice.

Sora didn't say anything, but made a casual 'hello' wave in response.

"Yes, morning greetings are quite a delight! Such an energizing way to start the day!" Taka smiled. "Now then, let's make sure we both do our very best throughout the day!"

Sora shrugged as she walked off. Why is he like this...? She thought to herself in annoyance.

Now standing aimlessly in the halls, Sora let out a small yawn before rubbing the back of her head.

Well... I have some free time. Maybe I should get to know the others... Not like I have anything better to do...


Free Time Event: Aoi Asahina

"Hm? Oh hey, Shirayuki! What's up?" Hina greeted as she saw Sora approached her.

"Nothing. I'm bored, so I just wanted to kill some time with ya."

"Oh, sure thing! You wanna do some stretches!?"


Sora spent some time stretching with Aoi, though she was a bit reluctant. Regardless, she felt as if they've gotten closer.




"Oh man... Oh man...!" Hina muttered to herself.

"...Something wrong?" Sora raised an eyebrow.

"I'm gettin' totally fired up!" Hina grinned.

"...How come? Didn't we just do a couple stretches awhile ago?" Sora pointed out.

"That doesn't matter! Now that I'm revved up, I need to get it out! Let's race!"

"Ah... I don't think I'd do very good against you. I don't have that much stamina when it comes to that sorta stuff..."

"Really? Well, I don't mind a solo run!"

"Geez... You're so energetic, Hina..."

"Huh? Hey, are you makin' fun of me!?" Hina folded her arms, making a small pout.

"Of course not, I'm just...impressed." Sora said.

"Really...? I used to know this one guy, he was always like, "Hina, you're like, a super spaz!"" Hina recalled.

Ultimate Life Or Death Despair Game (Danganronpa THH X Fem! OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora