Chapter 45: Urgent Interviews

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(3rd Person's POV)

Sora went down to the 1st floor of Hope's Peak Academy. She walked through the halls before she found her destination: The A/V room.

Haven't been in here since the first motive...


Sora walked into the room, being greeted the the multitude of computers. These should be able to play DVD's just fine...

"I'd better take a look. Wonder what's so important in this that Kiri wants me to see..." Sora said as she took it out and placed it into the DVD player.




It said that it was playing, but nothing appeared on screen. Sora stared into the black of the monitor. It must have only been a few seconds...but to her it felt like an eternity. And then, all of a image appeared.

It was Sayaka.


It took her by total surprise. She hadn't seen Sayaka in who knows how long, and there she was...


"Okay then, are you ready to begin?"

The voice she heard was of the man positioned on one side of the screen. It was the voice of a middle-aged man.

"I do apologize, but I hope you don't mind if I record our conversation. I'm a little slow, you know. I never really got the hang of taking notes while having a conversation." The man said. It sounded like he was making a joke, but Sayaka's face didn't move a muscle. "So, this video is meant to serve as a kind of contract substitute. It's not that I don't trust you guys. It's more So please don't worry too much."

"..." Sayaka said nothing.

"Now then, let me get straight to the point. There is a chance that you may have to spend the rest of your life here in the school. Can you accept that?" The man asked.

"Y-You want me to accept that...?" Sayaka looked to be at a total lose, which was understandable. Who would want to agree to spending the rest of your life here?

But Sayaka let out a sigh before nodding. "I...accept."


"Thank you. And I'm sorry about all this..." The man apologized. "Well, I can promise you that I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. As the headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy, I give you my word."


And as if on cue, the video went out.


Sora blankly stared at the screen. There were a lot of things that she had trouble getting the full gist of. But this...this just takes the cake. She couldn't comprehend it. Although she wasn't really close to her, Sora could tell from how she reacted to the motive videos on how much Sayaka wanted to get out of this place. She could understand how she wanted to pursue her dreams with her idol group and close friends.

She wanted to escape so bad that she attempted to murder Leon and framed Makoto for it. So...why? Why would she accept living in this place for her entire life.

As Sora sat there in contemplation, she noticed a sudden light. On the monitor, the video that she thought was finished flashed back onscreen. Her eyes darted back to the screen.

And if she was confused before...then what she saw next pushed her over the edge.



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