Chapter 19: Genuine Relationships

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(3rd Person's POV)


"Good morning, everyone! It is now 7 a.m. and nighttime is officially over! Time to rise and shine! Get ready to greet another beee-yutiful day!"

Risen up by the irritating announcement, Sora made a cute little yawn as she got out of bed and went into the bathroom. She did her normal routine as she took a five minute shower, brushed her teeth, and put on her attire.

After laying on her bed for a few minutes, she stretched her arms. "Welp. Guess I'd better get going to the dining hall..."


The blonde went out of her room and made her way to the dining hall, all while humming an...interesting tune.

"Who's that little girl, looking sweet as can be~? Who, with the effervescent personality~? It consumes your life, wondering "who is she?"~"

I guess Sora just likes Man On The Internet.

While she was walking, there was a few stragglers in the hallway. But Sora was too busy cheerfully singing her narcissistic song to pay them any mind.

She soon went into the dining hall, but because of her little nap she took, Sora was the 5th person there, with the 6th and 7th being Kyoko and Makoto. Interestingly, though not at all surprising, Taka wasn't there.

"So, the people here today are the same as yesterday. Just us seven." Hiro mused. "Well, I guess that's not all true. Shirayuki's here, too."

"...Huh?" Sora got knocked out of her absent-minded state as she tilted her head. "Were you talking about me?"

"Togami and Fukawa are a lost cause, but..." Sakura trailed off as the students turned to an empty seat.

"It looks like Mr. Ishimaru's decided to stop coming for good, too..." Hifumi pointed out.

"It's like he's just...given up." Hiro let out a deep sigh.

"It's pretty ironic that the one who enforced the rule of us comin' here didn't show up himself..." Sora quietly snarked, despite that, she does feel bad for the situation Taka was in.

"Indeed, although it is understandable. For people wound as tight as he is, when you snap, you snap hard." Celeste said.

"I wish there was some way to make him better..." Makoto put his head down.

"On another topic..." Celeste shot a glance towards a certain mystery girl. "Kirigiri, did everything go alright last night?"

"Yeah, I didn't have any problems." Kyoko nodded. "I went and checked on the laptop a little while ago, and there weren't any problems there, either. But..." She seemed to hesitate, but continued. "It's related to this case, so I suppose I should be blunt. I have to make a new rule. Using Alter Ego and Doppelgänger without permission is prohibited. Someone going in and out of the dressing room would draw unwanted attention from the mastermind."

"I would have thought that would be obvious. Why do we need to make a rule about it?" Celeste asked.

"That's a good question. Do you have any thoughts on that, Yamada?" Kyoko turned her head and made a subtle at the doujinshi writer.

"N-No... It's just like you said. We all need to be...very careful..." Hifumi slowly said as he began to start panting, making him look even more suspicious.

"...Huh?" Hiro looked at him.

"Whatever, let's just hurry up and eat! We don't have time to stand around flappin' our lips!" Hifumi suddenly yelled.

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