Chapter 39: Kirigiri Motivations

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(3rd Person's POV)

The...Ultimate Despair?

Sora had her eyes closed as she was in deep thought about what Kyoko told her moments ago.

"Make no mistake... They're the root of all the evil that has forced us to go through this. That is the Ultimate Despair. And that is our real enemy."

The Ultimate Despair... A group of people who caused The Tragedy one year ago... Those same people put together this killing game and began broadcasting it around the world. The most desperately awful group of people ever... That is the mastermind's true identity. But right now...

Sora opened her eyes. "We have to get out of here."

Kyoko nodded. "I agree. Figuring out the rest of the story can come after."

"So Kiri, do you still have that thing?" Sora asked. "Monokuma's "secret tool" that you got from the headmaster's room?"

Kyoko pulled it out. "Of course I do. It's an absolutely vital part of ensnaring the mastermind. I would never part with it."

"And it can open any door in the entire school, right?"

"That's right."

Then...we should be able to use it on that door, right? Sora wondered as she looked up to the door in the trash room.

Sora walked up the stairs and stopped at the door, with Kyoko following.

"Hey, Kiri. Could we use that key of yours to get through the door?" Sora asked.

"Let's find out." Kyoko responded, taking out the key with the Monokuma design on it and slid it into the keyhole. And then...


"It opened!" Sora exclaimed. "Finally, I can get outta here!"

"Wait." Kyoko grabbed Sora's arm, stopping her from going any further.

"Hm? What is it?"

"I...I just..." Kyoko put her head down, making Sora cock her head in confusion. "I know I said this already, but..." She shifted her head back up, facing the blonde with a remorseful look in her eyes. "I am truly sorry for what you had to go through because of me."

Sora raised an eyebrow. "...What this coming from?"

"I just want you to know...that from now on, I'm genuinely on your side. If there's anything you need from me, I will see to it to the best of me ability."

"...You really mean that?"

"Of course."

"Then..." Sora's expression suddenly turned stone cold. "When we get outta this place, you'll have to marry me, okay?"

"Wha-What?!" Kyoko sputtered out. "Where'd that come from?! ...You're joking...right?"

"...Do I look like I'm joking?"

"I...I couldn't say... Your sense of humor is very dry and deadpan."

Suddenly, Sora smirked as she chuckled. "Oh, don't worry about it. C'mon, let's go."

"Sounds good." Kyoko nodded.

They quickly opened the door and made their escape from the garbage pit.

Finally... They were finally free. But there wasn't even time to take a breath of relief. Because the real fight had just begun...


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