The brunette chick found her way to the room we had hidden the bomb and she ever so silently krept into the room, hiding behind one of the many pillars scattered around. Thought it didn't take long until she began cracking up at Iida's seriousness, making the guy flinch and look in her direction.

"Uraraka! I see you've arrived!" Iida continued to keep his villain act, making me chuckle slightly as I stood up, hopping off of the bomb and staring directly at said brunettes position. She attempted to jump out just as an explosion sounded, but mr teacher's pet was too fast for her and he was able to take the bomb out of her reach.

A shout sounded through Uraraka's earpiece as she began to cling onto a pillar. Though Iida was quite confused by the action, the ground below rumbled slightly. My eyes widened as I shoved Iida to avoid a casualty, what are these idiots thinking?

A blast destroyed the floor beneath us all, but round face had that covered as she swung the pillar in her grasp at the fallen debris, causing it to shoot directly at me. I pulled out my Yo-Yo, swinging it in a circle and destroying the debris before it could reach me. Iida just gawked from the side before redirecting his attention to the objective, protecting the bomb.

The small brunette was shocked at the strength of a small Yo-Yo but she too redirected her attention. I smirked slightly before whipping my weapon out, it wrapped around Uraraka's ankle before pulling her forward towards me.

"Teacher's pet guy!! Tie up the hero!" I spoke, tossing the girl to Iida and brushing myself off, putting my Yo-Yos back in my pockets. Iida seemed extremely offended by the nickname but he caught the brunette nonetheless, reaching his hand to the side in an attempt to find the capture tape. His eyes widened when he was met with nothing.

I turned in time to see the smaller girl elbow Iida directly in the face, and slip out of his grasp, instantly lunging at the bomb. I just stared at the action, a bit dumbfounded before a voice sounded through the speakers.

"THE HERO TEAM WINS!!!!" Bitch might's voice sounded throughout the building. I stared blankly at Iida and Uraraka before lunging at Iida and grabbing him by the shoulders, shaking him violently.

"Are you serious man?! We could've won that!" I sighed, changing moods in a split second and dropping the taller man onto his ass. We found ourselves back at the monitor room. Before it was revealed that Iida was the vip of the battle. Some were shocked by the news, confused as to why the winning team had zero credit. Before ponytail spoke up

"Iida was able to adapt to the situation and take on the role of a villain. Bakugo just wanted to crush someone in particular, and Midoriya suffered the same mistake. As for Uraraka, she was foolish and wasn't thinking about her position nor her attacks." I remember this chick, she's the one who pretended to know the homeless man's motive during that quirk assessment earlier today, she is a real pain in the ass.

"What about the other boy?" Someone spoke up, making me flinch slightly annoyed.

"Other boy?" I questioned, crossing my arms and glaring. I remember their names, I just choose not to use them. They just don't remember me. Ouch

"My apologies but I don't seem to recall you even attempting to introduce yourself to anyone." Ponytail interrupted, sending her own little pathetic glare.

"Oh, and if I recall correctly I don't think I asked, ponytail." I mocked the girl, making her gasp slightly, patting her hair a bit anxiously.

"Enough arguing, you can continue this later. It's time to move onto the next match."


The matches proceeded, I only watched to get an idea of the powers of my newfound classmates. No other reason, nope. Totally not because I got entranced by that ice quirk, something was off about it though.

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