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We tell people to follow their dreams, but you can only dream of what you can imagine, and, depending on where you come from, your imagination can be quite limited.
~Trevor Noah, Born a Crime: Stories From a South African Childhood


Kim Jungkook reached office a little later than usual. He looked at the watch. It was 9.10. as soon Jungkook entered the building, people bowed and Jungkook stopped and talked to people. His employees, his people... The people who scarified the time they could spend with their families for him. Of course, money was a big factor... And yet Jungkook knew, everyone sitting in his office, in his building or anyone who had ever truly loved knew money was never more important than family. It was important... Of couse, it out enough food in the stomachs of those whom one loved but it wasn't the most important thing. Time was and these people gave him his time.

So he wouldn't be a boss. He had tried being a boss for a month and he had felt like an utter failure ever day. Jungkook knew he needed to make a place for himself in his office. He needed to prove that he was capable of leading. But it was high time Kook realised that he wouldn't succeed till the time he tried to become Namjoon hyung or his father or copied the tactics of his husband to prove himself in the power dynamics of office politics. So, Kim Jungkook would be Kim Jungkook. Not anyone else. He reached his office after exchanging pleasantries with his staff. The time he had lost in getting drunk and fighting with his husband or roaming in a pool of self pity .. it had cost his company shares as it had cost Tae's company, no matter how hard Tae tried to prove otherwise to him.

Jungkook called the meeting of the entire office and trainees. Till that time, he wrote down a press statement and asked Lena to share it with the press.

He looked at the resignations of all the top management who had resigned and wrote them empathetic replies. No matter how much he wanted to forgive them and take them back. They were gone and Kook couldn't and wouldn't publicly go against his husband. They were a team. Whatever their issues were, they had solved them in private. For public, the would always be a united front.

After he was done, he entere the seminar hall..he bowed and addressed everyone. Today, he may be the most dressed and powerful person in this room. But he didn't assert his dominance. He didn't want to. That wasn't him. He would be human. He would be different.

'Hello everyone, This is a sad moment as you all are aware that a lot of our management has resigned. And I ardently wish that wasn't the case. But sadly, that is the fate for anyone who cannot get behind the reforms I have in my mind. To those who support me. Thank you. To those, who feel like I cannot do this or they have some different feelings... They are free to come by my office anytime and let's have a civil conversation and I will try and explain why i believe my vision works and you can point out the flaws and together we can come up with better solutions.

Management and my employees in power, we need to change our ways if we want to survive in the long run. K pop today is not what it was ten years ago. It is not just Korea's entertainment industry. The world is looking at us. We need to keep up with the rest of the world.

I have recieved the psych and physical health examination reports of all out idols, ex idols and trainees. And it saddens me to say that there is one strand common to all the reports in my office kept.... All our stars are pressured and feel trapped. As management, it is our responsibility to do our best to change this. As management, I need you all to cordinate better with Talent so that their lives are not made difficult from our end. All of them are young adults... Many of them not even adults just small children, I need you to stop looking at them as a means to monetary ends. They are young people, troubled and worried for all that is around them. If you need to discipline, disciple with love and patience. If you still continue to have troubles please come and discuss with me.

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