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If I had a flower for every time I thought of you...I could walk through my garden forever.
~Alfred Tennyson


Tae slowly opened his eyes. His eyes fell on the sleeping Jungkook. He smiled. Kook looked so cute when he smiled. So peaceful. Not at all blushing or angry. The only two emotions Tae had yet seen on Kook's face. He looked calm. He traced the lines of his eyes, nose and lips with his eyes---wanting to commit them to memory so that he never forgot them. He looked at the soft mole below Kook's lips. He wanted to kiss it so much. He looked at the lip piercing that Kook had put on after their marriage. He imagined if a rose gold or platinum would look good. The one he was wearing right now was steel, Tae noticed. Well, if he gifted him another platinum, Kook would whoop his ass. He had start small. He could get a silver one customised and throw in a waist chain too maybe. Tae had noticed some cropped shirts that would look good with a waist chain. But of course, Kook would look too sexy and he wasn't sure if he could have someone looking at his Kookie that way. God! This was going to be a problem. He was going to handle his company in 8 more days and Tae would kill someone if they tried anything with him. It was good Kook knew self defense. Hell, he even knew boxing Mr Jeon had told him once. Kook could very well protect himself. He also knew how to put people in their places. He had been trained to be a CEO after all, but what would Tae do with his poor heart, which screamed murder if anyone as much as looked at him in a wrong way. He needed to talk to his mom about the waist chain and about he was feeling. Eomma would help him. Tae missed her. He wasn't used to being without her. No matter how much he showed himself to be a cold man, he loved his family dearly. Amd never started his day without them. It would be amazing when he would start his day with Eomma, Appa and his beautiful husband. He again wondered how he had been able to get such a good person. Must be fate.

He thought all this and Kookie started squirming in his sleep. He was waking up. He sat and rubbed his eyes looking around him and then realised that he was married and saw Tae looking at him with a small. He fell back on the bed and snuggled into Tae's chest. 'Good morning hyung' Kook said.

Tae smiled and pecked his forehead, 'Good morning baby.'

'Wut are fe doin foday?' Kook asked sleepily, his voice muffled by Tae's chest. Tae chucked. He still understood what Kook had asked.

'Well, baby first we are calling Eomma and Appa and then we can have breakfast and go swimming or watch a movie whatever you say. Tae said.

'Otay fall Eomma' the reply came. And Tae chuckled and Kook got out of the snuggle and yawned stretching his limbs.

Tae picked up his phone and called Eomma. She didn't pick her call which Tae found strange. He called his Appa and he picked up the call.

'Hello Appa' Tae said.

'Hello Tae' Mr Kim said. Tae noticed how badly his fatter was trying to normalise his voice but he could still feel teh tension in his voice.

'How are you Appa?' Tae said ignoring what he had realised for the moment.

'I am good baby. How are you both?' Mr Kim said.

Tae again found it strange. He would have teased him by now. Saying something either about how his honeymoon was going or about how he happy he was that he had his wife all to himself. Nevertheless, he continued,

'We both are fine Appa. Where is Eomma? She didn't take her call.' Tae asked.

'Ahh She is sleeping. I will ask her to call you at night.' Mr Kim said.

Tae said an okay and hurriedly cut the phone saying his bye.

He noticed how Mr Kim hadn't said that he would ask her to call when she woke up. Or even the fact that his eomma was sleeping during the day. His mother never slept unless it was night.

Tae was restless after the call, fidgeting and Kook asked him what was wrong.

Usually, Tae would have kept his problems to himself but he had promised Kook to share everything with him. So, he told him that he was worried. How Mr Kim was behaving weird and Eomma wasn't taking the call.

A feeling of impending doom overcame Tae he couldn't pin point what was wrong but he could feel something was wrong.

Kook looked at his distressed husband and said with a final resolve in his voice, 'Let's go home Hyung.'

'Kook....' Tae said and was about to speak.

'No hyung, I can't see you like this. I am worried about Eomma too. Dad already has health problems and if... Let's just not take any risks hyung. Let's go home. We can have our honeymoon later on.'

Tae couldn't help but be relieved at Kook's words and grateful too. He wouldn't have been able to sit and enjoy anyway worried that his mother wasn't okay.

Kook realised how stuck Tae' was worrying about Eomma. So, he took charge if the situation. He didn't want him to spiral. He realised Tae needed to do something in order to keep his wits. So he said, 'Hyung, why don't you arrange a ferry for us to go back to the nearest airport. And we can take fly home then. It will take less time. in the meanwhile, I will pack all our clothes and cook some ramen for us.

Tae nodded grateful that Kook had given him something to occupy his mind. He needed to be in Seoul as soon as possible. He called Hobi hyung and asked him to arrange their private jet at the nearest airport while he started arranging for the ferry to go to the mainland and car that would take them to the airport.

Forty minutes later, everything was packed. Kook had forced Tae to eat some ramen at least before they started and a ferry was waiting for them outside.

Both of them took the luggage outside, Kook gave a last glimpse to Qurbat. He could see their unmade bed that they had slept in. The roses still on the floor downstairs. Their dining plates still on the table and the melted candles waiting for their owners to be claimed.

Tae had called the care taker of the house and informed them that they were leaving. She would take care of everything. Before leaving, Kook bent down and picked up a rose petal and snuck it into his wallet. This would be his memory of their first date. With another glance, he looked at the ferry that now had their luggage and was waiting for the resident of Qurbat to come and board.

After half an hour, they were in the mainland, their luggage kept in the back and another fory minutes ride would take them to the nearest airport.

As soon as they reached the airport, they moved to the private jet that Hobi had arranged for them and were on their way to Seoul.

The sky looked beautiful but none of the passengers of the plane were in a mood to see it.

An: I am hoping to update this book more today. Please check the numbering of the chapters before reading. Please vote and comment.

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