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An: There are going to be multiple updates per day from here on. Please check the number of chapter before you read.

As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.
~John Green


Tae looked at Kook. He had finally fallen asleep---exhausted from the emotional conversation and the information intake. Tae felt bad for making him cry but also glad that kook understood his point of view. He really couldn't have asked for a better husband. He slowly untangled himself from Kook and dimmed the lights. He covered Kook in sheets and put the AC on a comfortable temprature and drew the curtains so that no light would disturb him.

He picked up his phone and went downstairs. He called Yoongi as he sat on the couch. He could see the sea from where he was sitting.

Finally, Yoongi picked up the call.

'Hyung...' Tae said.

'Taetae... What happened baby?' Yoongi asked over the phone. Tae was amazed at how Yoongi hyung could understand him without saying anything.

'I need your help hyung.' Tae said.

'Tell me Taetae' Yoongi hyung said, his voice calm and soft.

'Will you tell me how you knew you were in love with Jiminie?' Tae asked. It was true he had no experience in love. But Kook had confesses to him. And he hadn't said the words back. He had just told him how he felt. But how was he to know if that was what love was.

'Are you okay Taetae?' Yoongi asked.

'Yes hyung. I just wanted to know how one knows when they are in love. I couldn't have asked anyone else this question.'

'Hm... Okay... First of all let me tell you that it is different for everyone. But since you asked how I knew. I will share my experience Tae. I knew I was in love with Chim when I realised he was the one. You know how grumpy I am, Anti-social even. Chim managed to break my walls without even trying. He made me smile without me realising it. He made life bearable just by his presence. I wanted to protect him. Even in my sleep, I would reach out to him when we dated, my subconscious making sure he was there. And if he wasn't I would wake up. When he got hurt, it affected me more than him. He would keep insisting that he as fine that it didn't hurt but I wouldn't be fine till he was properly healed. You know how he has the ability to fall from anywhere. I had this feeling that I needed to protect him from falling. I remember once while holding him my arm got cut by a knife kept on the side table. I needed stitches but I didn't even realise I was bleeding. My heart was just at peace that he hadn't fallen down. Chim noticed that I was hurt. But these are all just small things. I guess I really knew when his happiness and safety mattered the most. Even if it was with me or someone else. With or without me, I just wanted him to smile and eat and be okay. I wouldn't mind stepping back if he felt that with someone else. He mattered. He is the only person who has power over me.' Yoongi stopped.

'But hyung how do you know?' Tae asked stubbornly. He was confused. He felt all this for Kook but wasn't it just care.

'Hmmm... Let me out it another way. Before meeting him, I was a vagrant. After him, he was the one holding me on this earth. It wasn't gravity. It was like a magnet. I was pulled to him. When your center of gravity changes from earth to a human. That's when you know you are in love.'

This made much more sense to Tae. After Kook had come in his life, everything he did, every decision was impacted by how it would impact Kook. His world view had changed. The room that he loved so much... He realised he needed more space for Kook. What he would wear when he reached in his home. Where he would sleep, if he would be comfortable had become a priority. He had pushed meetings just to make everything ready for Kook. Unknowingly, in this entire month Kook had become his center of gravity. Everything revolved around him. Wasn't that why he had customised his car with a bed so that Kook could sleep. Changed his garden, so that Kook could enjoy their wedding at a comfortable place. He had stopped from getting intimate because he knew kook wasn't comfortable yet even though he so badly wanted to have him. So, yes, Kook had become his magnet.

'Tae?' Yoongi asked when he had not heard from the younger for a long time.

'Hyung... Does it mean I am in love if I feel whatever you said?' Tae asked, his voice trembling.

'Yes baby. If you feel this, I can say you are in love.' Yoongi said.

Tae let out a breath he hadn't realised he had been holding.

'Taetae? can I say something?' Yoongi asked reluctantly.

'Of couse hyung.' Tae said.

'Even of you feel all this Taetae, falling in love is easy. It's quick... Melting into a beautiful feeling. But Taetae, make sure you stay in love. Falling in love is easy but never forget so is falling out of love. It is staying in love that takes work. You guys are married and have just met each other. I am happy you are in love. But make sure you stay in love. Make sure you don't start taking him for granted or making him feel special. You guys have a long way to go, married means being with each other till your hair is white and you can't walk. Ensure that the love stays alive. Try and understand him. You are more of an action oriented person... But try and know what kind of person he is. What he likes. Marriage is two equal halves. You will be tempted do everything on your own for the you love but on the way don't forget that you have to do it with the one you love. So, understand his preferences, what he likes and you might have to change some things about yourself according to what he wants. Equality baby. Remember that. You are both equal halves. Compromise. Talk and reach midway that works for both of you. Okay?'

'Yes hyung, I have already made mistakes. I finally understand what you are trying to say.' Tae said grateful for having a friend who understood him to the point that they knew what kind of mistakes he would make.

'Yeah now let me go to sleep.' Yoongi said grumbling.

'Haha yes hyung.' Tae said knowing Yoongi felt awkward now. This was his love language. Helping people he loved and when he wasn't needed anymore leaving grumbling as if he didn't want to do what he ahd just done. Tae laughed thinking about his hyung.

He saw the bowl of popcorn still on the table. He was reminded of Kook. So, I am in love, Tae thought. A soft feeling entered his heart. He didn't know how he felt. It felt good but the details... Why his head and heart felt lighter .. he didn't know and didn't want to make sense of. So, he did what he knew doing. He called the caretaker Halmoni and asked her if she knew anyone who could deliver food and some other things for him. Halmoni said she herself would cook and buy the things he needed as she stayed closeby and bring them to him in forty minutes.

'Oh, Halmoni.... Can you bring Red Roses too?'

Unknown to the couple, a feathery feeling entered Ye Sura's heart. She clutched her heart. Mr Kim asked her if she was fine and got up to close the balcony door hoping she hadn't caught the chill.

She smiled, her intuition telling her that her Taetae was warm and well taken care of.

An: This is the first update for today. I am going to do two more. So please read acoording to that. Things are going to happen soon!!!!

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