
13K 676 25

Morn came and went—and came, and brought no day ~ Byron


Jeon Jungkook woke up in an uncomfortable position. He was used to it now. The hard work during the day, the parties and drinks by night, the painkillers in the morning, the snacks in lieu of meals. Jungkook was used to all of it. He knew the drill. Wake up. Check for vomit. Shower. Pop a painkiller. Have a coffee. Fight with mom over not having breakfast. Go to office and transform on the way. Kick ass at work. And come back
Party. Sleep. And the usual. Nothing changed. His position in his father's company kept getting better and with the money the brand's of liquor and the quality of pubs improved. Nothing else.

Jeon Jungkook, the guy loved with his whole heart. He had loved at least. Once in a lifetime.

... Oh there was a boy. He was perfect for Jungkook. High scholl sweethearts who would attend college together and marry. Kookie the strong one and his baby the sweet one he needed to take care of. But somewhere along the way, Jungkook started finding it hard. Especially when he joined his father's firm and slaved away at the lowest position. His partner unable of understanding why it was so important for him to learn everything from scratch and why he couldn't behave like the other brat rich kids. But Jeon jungkook was made of different material. He had seen his brother earn every single thing he had and admired and respected him for all his hard work. He wanted to be like him. He didn't want everything on a silver spoon. He wanted to hustle. He wanted to know how everything form the very bottom worked and then make his way up. The company was going to be his anyway. Sooner or later. But the hard work often left him tired and with no time for his love.

As his days started falling into the routine of work and coming back to his love on video calls, somewhere along the way they stopped understanding each other. Him never understanding why Jeon could not leave working hard and accept his CEO position for him and Jungkook unable to make him understand how he couldn't risk the company his grandfather had so painstakingly built, his father so lubouriously expanded and his elder brother's sacrifice of his musicial career to provide an anchor to the company. How could he explain that he did not have the luxury of fucking up. It wouldn't just be him he would be letting down. He would be undoing generations of work.

Somewhere along the way the two lovers stopped understanding what the other wanted. Slowly, from stopping to adress their fights to just rolling eyes when dates got cancelled, Jungkook barely had the energy to apologise. As Jungkook promoted over the ranks, things did start to smooth over but they felt that the love they had was fading. Jungkook never could understand what his lover felt because he was too deep stuck in the misery of his own head. He felt like two people. The one from 9 to 5 who was invincible and no one could dare mess with because damn the guy always was the sharpest brain in the room to the guy after 5 who reached home and even though he had his lover on call, felt like he would like to be alone and not do anything. Just exist in nothingness. With time, the nothingness became a constant companion. More peaceful and more dangerous at the same time. He started losing people... Friends... His phone once filled with messages from friends now only had work notifications from his colleagues. He and his lover eventually parted ways. Jungkook knew whatever was pushing him down wasn't going to leave him soon and his lover could do with some happiness, even if it was not from him.

With tears in their eyes, they split. Jungkook never was the same man after that. Everyday after work was a battle... Eating, getting up to do something... Everything... Everything was a chore but the next morning the clock would strike nine and he would be the man whom no one could defeat again. Back at his home, his room started to reflect the mess going on in his brain. The chips packets littered, it got increasingly difficult to shower, to get up after work, things were bad. Until one day his colleagues invited him for a round of Soju and then there was no looking back. Jeon jungkook worked during the day like a beast and partied like a madman at night. There was no going back.

But it was no use thinking if all this now, thought Jungkook as he lazily stretched his body and showered. He went down and to say his mother was losing sleep, hair and peace over her son would be an understatement. The man had dark circles under his eyes and was losing weight. She was worried one day he would just faint from standing. The unhappiness on his face had become a permanent feature on his face. I must send him to my Joonie's home. Jinnie will at least make him laugh, she thought.

Whatever was happening had to end. Jungkook's father too had had enough. He first saw his son losing his sanity and then his wife losing her peace over him. He would put an end to it once and for all. If Taehyung agreed, he would find a way to make Jungkook agree, Jungkook's father thought as he saw his son picking on his food and his wife going mad thinking. Enough was enough. The company didn't matter more than his son. Everything else would have to wait.

For once, he would put his son above everything... Even his beloved company.

AN: Love is complicated. 

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