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It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.


Friedrich Nietzsche


It took Jin almost two hours till Kook would calm down. And he couldn't exactly call it calm down when the younger had cried his heart out and exhausted and fallen asleep.

All the time Joonie kept his hands in Kook's hair and Jin kept rubbing circles on his back. Sometimes patting him too as Kook buried his head in his Jin hyung's chest. Joonie too tried to calm Kook by his presence as kuch as he could but it was hopeless both of them knew. The only one who could end Kook's misery was Tae and unfortunately, kook didn't want to talk to him. Kook had told them both in his crying sessions, sometimes sniffing and sometimes hiccuping but both of them got the jist of what was happening.

Jin had a lot to say but he knew right now wasn't the time. So he texted Tae that Kook was with them not knowing if he knew or not. It was late already and both the husbands were mentally exhausted. They held Kook and each other's hands as the pressed Kook between them like a small baby and slept.

Jin woke up up early. He was still sleepy but he saw Kook's dried tears on his faca and sighed. He decided to let both of them sleep as he made a cup of tea for himself knowing both of them wouldn't wake up so soon. He sat in the balcony as he sipped his tea. He could see people getting out of their homes, some leaving for morning walks and some for jobs. Students running around to make it to the buses on time. Little kids running around here and there with their tiny steps. Jin sighed and smiled.

Over the last month, he and Namjoon had come a long way. They had become husbands in the truest sense. They had confessed their love to each other when Tae and Kook were on their honeymoon. It was only blissful after that. Joonie would soon launch his own music and Jin was already perfecting his menu for his restaurant.

They had assumed that the younger couple had been okay too. They had always looked so happy whenever they had called but even after their confession they didn't understand reach other as much as they should. Jin couldn't help but feel guilty. If him and Joon hadn't chased their happiness and let Kook stay in management and not made him the CEO so early maybe they could both have had more time.

But Jin knew thinking this was no use. He knew every couple had their own story, their own ups and downs, their own learning curves and this fight would only make it stronger. He looked at his empty tea cup and got up. It was time to wake up Namjoon, he had a recording to do today. Softly, Jin woke up Joonie. He could see Joon wanted to stay home but he and his producer would not get time together so soon to reschedule the meeting.

Joon went to the guest room's washroom so that he wouldn't wake up Kook. Jin served him breakfast. Joon kissed his bunny's head and his husband before he left. He told Jin to call him if something happened.

Jin asked Joon to call Tae on the way to check of he was alright. Jin knew Tae would also be in a bad shape and he would have no one to share his feelings with. After Joon left, Jin cleaned the house even though he didn't need to buy if he didn't have anything to do he would lose his mind. Around 11, Jin decided to wake Kook up. That child needs to eat something, jin thought.

Jin went to his room and kissed Kook on his cheeks, 'Wake up baby.'

'Hmmm.' Kook yawned and was disoriented as soon as he opened his eyes. He saw he was in Jin hyung's room and last night came to his mind.

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