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Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me prov'd,
I never writ, nor no man ever lov'd.

For you, my love


Jungkook tossed in his bed. He could see the light coming from outside the garden. Tomorrow, he would be a married in the same garden. He slept in Tae's bed for the last time as an unmarried man. Tomorrow when he would be here.... He would be a married man. He thought back about the crazy last four days that he had. He realised this was the first time, he was alone. He had been so caught up in the shifting of his office though Tae had done majority of the work yet, he had to oversee all of it. Afterall, some things only he could do and even Tae couldn't help with those final decisions. He would be a CEO of Jeon Entertainment in 10 days. Jungkook consciously stopped thinking about his company. That would have to wait. He already had tomorrow to worry about.

He tossed again. The whiff of straberry again caught his nose. It was relaxing. In the last four days, he had gotten used to the scent. Him and Tae had spent a lot of time together. He had gotten used to his scent without realising and now that his scent was around him, he inhaled it deeply, relaxing instantly.

Tomorrow his life would change. He would have lot more responsibilities. Mrs Kim and Mr Kim admired him so much and he had to make sure to never do something that would make them dislike him. He liked both the elders. They were sweet and caring. The atmosphere at Kim household was alot different than what he was used to. They were a more close knit family. He would take time to adjust. But he knew they would understand. They had been nothing but understanding since the entire thing. And Tae god.... It felt like he had made his life's mission to make his life easier. But still Kook was anxious. What if everything changed after marriage? What if he couldn't handle everything? There was too much at stake. Aish... I will never sleep at this rate. Kook thought to himself.

He knew Tae would be feeling the same. He wasn't even in the comfort of his room. The groom's couldn't see each other before wedding so he had taken his leave from him in the morning and gone to the Min's house. He had briefly met Yoongi and Jimin and liked them instantly. At least Tae was around his best friends. They would help him.

As he thought of this, he heard a light knock. At first he thought he had imagined it but then he heard Joon's voice, 'Kookie?'

He went and opened the door wondering what was wrong. Joon looked at Kookie and smiled, 'Couldn't sleep baby?' he asked and ruffled Kook's hair.

Kook nodded and asked his brother to come in. 'Can we sleep together on the same bed, for old times sake kookie?' Joonie said smiling.

Kook nodded his head. He himself didn't know that he had wished his hyung to be there for him. Joonie knew.

Joon lay down on the bed and patted the bed. Looking at him, kook wasn't the man who was a CEO or a man with responsibilities. He was a kid looking at his hyung for comfort knowing if he snuggled in his hyung's chest all the problems would go away. So he did exactly that. He kept his head on his brother's arm and his arms across his stomach as his legs found a comfortable spot on Joonie's Knee.

'Ahh! You sure have bulked up bunny since the last time we slept like this.' Joon chuckled.

Kook tried to move away so that Joon could be comfortable but Joon held him in place.

'I can always take care of you Kookie. Even if you muscle up more. You will always be my baby.' Joon said as he ruffled his hair.

Kook nodded again snuggling closer and rubbing his cheeks on his chest enjoying the comfort of fingers running through his hair.

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