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Drink to me only with thine eyes,
And I will pledge with mine;
Or leave a kiss but in the cup,
And I'll not look for wine.
~ Ben Jonson


'Sure Hyung.' Jungkook said as he looked at Tae. They took a shortcut and as they moved across the dusty road, Jungkook could see the Bridge lit up in front of him. It was already 1. Not a lot of people were around. Finally they reached a place that was a little away from commercial spots and quiet. Jungkook noticed Tae's preference of quiet places. He made a mental note of how it matched his still and steady nature.

Both of them sat at the lowest stair. As close to the water as they could. It was beautiful. Jungkook had seen the river during the evening many times when he come to Seoul, but it was his first time looking at it at night. It was beautiful. The reflection of the moon on the waves added to the charm. He saw how the waves made it look like the moon was dancing in a zig zag nature. It was so calming. The gush of the waves as they hit the shores was the best lullaby kook had ever heard.

'It's beautiful Hyung.' Jungkook said looking at Taehyung.

'I am glad you liked it Kook' Tae said smiling.

As Tae inhaled the deep scent of the river a sigh escaped his mouth. He rubbed his face and kneaded his hands through his hair as if the exhaustion of the day had just come undone from his shoulders.

Kook noticed the change.

'Are you tired Hyung? I am sorry you had a long day day because of me.' Kook said apologetically.

'Aaniyo! It's just that this place is so calm. The darkness, the sound of the waves, the stillness in the air... It feels so good. I have come after a long time. My body just instantly relaxed here, I guess.' Tae said looking at the waves. He found it easier to talk to Kook when he didn't have to look at him directly.

He arched his back and with help of his elbows bent backwards as he moved his hips, almost half lying on the stairs at a 75 degree angle. He kept looking at the water.

'You are too kind Hyung.' Kook said.

'I am not Kook, I am really not.' Tae said with a sad undertone. Kook wanted ask the reason. But he knew he had a few things to confess and he had to do it before losing confidence.

'You are too good for me Hyung. I am sorry I am not what your partner should be.' Kook said looking straight into the water.

Jungkook copied his stance and even he found it easier to talk to Tae without the eye contact. The darkness hid his face expressions and as he was sure that his face won't betray him, he could afford to be a bit more vulnerable. He could control his voice but he had always found it difficult to control his expressions.

'Why would say something so harsh Kook?' Tae asked knowing he shouldn't look at him. He knew the cover darkness gave. Wasn't he using the same to make it easy for himself?

'Hyung.... I am not naive, Hyung. I have less experience than you I agree. But I have seen enough of life to recognise when I see exhaustion and the lies one tells to hide it. I know this wedding and work and then you sharing your resources with us, helping us has pushed you thin. I notice the emails and calls you answer when you think I am busy Hyung. And the....'

'It's nothing like that Kook' Tae interrupted.

'Then what is it Hyung?' Kook asked.

'I ... It's.... The work... Um . Gosh! Okay, so what I am trying to say is that the work is okay Kook. I am used to it. Helping you, preparing the wedding... I have seen busier days when I joined as a CEO. I am just .... It's not work or exhaustion from overwork. It's... You said you are not good enough for me right? I feel the same. This ... This talking... It's not ... I don't know how to do this Kook. At least not yet. I am trying to. But I am always scared to fuck up.' Tae said. He felt so exhausted just from speaking. He wished he could smoke to calm down his nerves. Why was it so hard?

Kook again was flabbergasted. He didn't know what to say. He was so busy with his work that he didn't notice what his partner was going through and he felt like shit. If anything he had to tell Tae about the Truth now. This man deserved so much better.

'Hyung? Would you hate me if I told you something?' Kook asked. The tenor of his voice giving away his nervousness.

Tae noticed how he has gotten more nervous after his admission. To calm him he smiled and said, 'I promise to not hold it against you Kook. I am sure whatever it is you must have had your reasons.'

Kook closed his eyes, said a silent prayer, stared into the water and said the next few words, 'I was in a relationship before... Hyung. When you asked if we would like the wedding at our place, I lied when I said that it would be easier to have it in Seoul. I said it because I was with someone ... And we had planned our wedding. We were together for years before things went down. I just couldn't.... I didn't... I didn't want to take part in the preparations because it was hard for me. The memories... I am sorry.'

Tae heard him. He asked calmly, 'Do you still love him?'

Kook so badly wanted to look at Tae's face but he wasn't sure of he could take it. He decided to be honest.

'No Hyung. I am no longer in love with him. I am not saying I am completely fine because that would be lying. It's just that there is an emptiness that keeps growing but to answer your question, No, I am no longer in love with him. I don't even miss him. I miss being happy and not empty.' Kook said. His voice broke at the very end...laced with a sad chuckle.

He felt Tae placing his hand on his hand.
He finally looked at Kook and leaned towards him. He looked into his eyes and Kook tried to avert his gaze, feeling too vulnerable. Tae nudged his chin upwards softly and forced Kook to look at him.

'If you would let me, I would like to take care of you Kook. I don't know if I can help you or not but I would like to try. Would you let me in Kook?' Tae said softly. His eyes depicting the sincerity of his words. Kook knew Tae hadn't spoken much but what he said warmed his heart.

With this realisation, a blush crept up on his face. He looked down again and just vigorously nodded. Tae smiled at his cuteness. He vowed to protect this man with his life that moment. He wanted take away all of his bad memories and replace them with happy ones.

Slowly, he put his hand in his pocket. He pulled out a box. Very slowly, as if he was changing the way he was sitting, he went a bit further away from Kook and knelt down on his knee. He opened the box that lit up instantly. It opened to a golden ring with small diamonds adoring the top.

Tae took a deep breath and said, 'Jeon Jungkook, would you do me the honour of being my husband?'

Kook looked at Tae and then the ring in awe. The tears he had been holding till now spilled uncontrollably.

He looked at Tae's face. A small smile with a hint of nervousness but with a lot of softness in the eyes, Tae waited for Kook's answer. Kook wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. He had just told Tae about his past and instead of him being nervous, Tae who had no reason to be nervous was seating.

Kook went closer to Tae and smiled,
'Yes Hyung. The honour would be all mine.'

Tae breathed in relief and got up. He slid the ring on Kook's finger. It shone on his hand. Tae smiled looking at him. He took Tae's hand and kissed the ring. 'Thank you for accepting us, Kook' Tae said. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop the smile on his face.

In reply, Kook took their intertwined hands and kissed the ring exactly where Tae had. He wanted to say Tae thank you again and again but he just copied Tae's stance from before and looked into the water. Tae did the same. But this time, their hands were intertwined and Kook didn't let go of Tae's hand. Suddenly, Kook kissed Tae's cheek and ran away from the stairs shouting, 'Hurry, Hurry. Come soon. Let's go home, Hyung. It's late.'

Tae smiled and followed Kook. This spot had just become his favourite spot in the entire city. He took a last look at the moon and rushed back.

Afterall, his bunny was waiting for him.

An: Finally, Tae proposed!!!! How did you find it? Do let me know. Please please leave a vote and comment if you enjoyed reading it. It would mean the world to me. To the new readers: Welcome to my world! I hope you like it. Army forever 💜

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