Jungkook was crying harder and loudly, literary begging to his hyungs by sitting on his knees. But he is not the only person who was crying. The whole Kim brothers were crying...they hate the scene from the bottom of their heart.

They just wanna hug the boy and cuddle with him till the end of their life. But, whenever they think about last nights incident, their heart tightened.

Jin cleared his throat, 'It hurts right? Jungkook you will never understand how it hurts when your most loveable brother dodged you. You betrayed me Jungkook. I thought you will obey me always...but I guess I was wrong.' He stood up and stormed out of the room, hiding his tears.

Yoongi left the room too, he was beyond angry and afraid if he says anything else then he will end up making the poor boy hurt more deeply. And he don't want his younger suffer that much....he is already getting enough.

Hoseok and Namjoon followed them, but Hoseok stopped in the door frame, looking back to the ground to the boy_

Hoseok: You could get hurt there, could get robbed, physically harassed and you couldn't do anything as you are not in that sense! What we could have done then Jungkook? We don't even knew where our bunny was! You did wrong...You really really did wrong.' He said in his broken voice and it hurts to see the sunshine ball in that state! Jungkook couldn't be more miserable right now!

Jimin and Taehyung looked at each other. Taehyung's face was stern yet hurt. But surprisingly, Jimin the eternal lovable mochi...he was expressionless, there is no sign of any emotions in his feature and that is the most rare and hurtful sight for Jungkook.

The words from the elders was still ringing on his ears and he couldn't but think that he made them really hurt this time...he thought in his mind that he deserve to be punished hard this time. He thought he is adult, but he is not, he did not behaved like one!

So, when Taehyung told him to get up, he didn't protest. He promised to himself that whatever the punishment is set for him, he will take it without any more trouble. He wiped his tears and got up, facing Taehyung, hanging his head low...

Taehyung felt his heart is burning from the sight in front of him, but he need to do that. He looked at Jimin and Jimin just stayed quiet with his blank expression. Taehyung sighed turning back to younger.

Taehyung: Ready?

Jungkook inhaled deeply and nodded, 'Y-yes...'

Taehyung: Both hands in front, show me your palms.

Jungkook gulped but obeyed him.

Taehyung: you are getting ten on each palm...together.

Jungkook gulped, it's really hard. The switch is very much painful already and if he gets both hands together that mean he can't focus on one hand's pain. Both hands will be in pain together and that is the worst!


And the first two swats came in both of his hand palms real fast.

~AH!' Jungkook closed his eyes tightly and bit his lower lip to suppress the pain.

Taehyung kept going in fast pace. The tears keep rolling from Jungkook's closed eyes. After whole twenty Taehyung stopped and Jungkook started rubbing his both hands, trying to remove his pain...but of course it wasn't helping.

Tae wiped the sweats from his forehead and looked at the younger with tired eyes, 'This was for disobeying your hyungs and disrespecting Soobin. Now about sneaking out...Your getting ten more on your calves.'

Jungkook's eyes widen in fear, 'H-hyung...'

Taehyung glared, 'Any question? He asked coldly.

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