Chapter 18: For the Love of a Daughter

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"Don't!" I screamed.

"Leksi..." Mother tried.

"No, Mother," I reassured her, "It's fine."

Regaining my composure (and before the Darkling could say anything more), I decided to change the subject.

"Mother should probably make her way to the Little Palace."

"Lek.." he tried again.

Ignoring him, "Where's Ivan?" I asked.

Right on cue, the heartrender appeared. Mother quickly read the room and took his arm.

I honestly didn't blame her.

But not without shooting me a sympathetic glance. Oh, Mama. Why couldn't it be just you and me? I reeled at the thought. Why did this hurt so much? Interestingly, the Dark General made no comment during this whole thing. He did not break the silence once Mother was gone. I did not want to be in the room with this man any longer.

"Moi Soverenyi," I acknowledged.

I gave him a quick bow, and before I lost the nerve, I exited his tent. I turned my back on him, leaving the confused, stunned and potentially hurt man behind. Ugh! I just didn't know with him.

3 hours later...

Back in the Darkling's tent... I just couldn't escape this Saints-forsaken place!

"Forgive me, moi soverenyi. My outburst was incredibly childish, and I shouldn't have conducted myself in such a manner. It was completely unacceptable."

I just want things to go back to how they were. Back when the Darkling was 'Moi Tsar'.

It was far less complicated.

His eyes were blank—void of any trace of emotion.

It was familiar.

Usually, I would be calm, but this was my fault.

That worried me.

Would I be collared like Mother?

Lose an eye like Genya?

Anything felt possible.

He did not acknowledge my apology at all. He wasn't even looking at me.

"You never answered my question, mal..."

He stopped himself.

I winced.

I feel like I've failed something.

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